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441 bytes added, 16:48, 15 January 2020
Removed some opinions and improved phrasing. Added quote.
__NOTOC__ [[Category: Mechanics]]
''Dungeon''' is a common name for caves, castles, abandoned ruins, and otherworldly realms accessible across [[DungeonsAlharth]] are where quests take place, and beyond. While many [[:Category:Bosses|bossesDungeons]] residehave a long-forgotten history, and high level gear is obtained from. Dungeons others are generally harder than most other content in the game and provide some homes of the best rewards. ===No Instancing===As of the alpha dungeons '''are not instanced''' which really sets apart this game from current "modern" MMOs. Whether you are soloing or teaming up with fellow playerssentient Monstrous Races, the experience is of one shared world which creates stronger social interactions between players. ===Looting===Loot on all enemies (except Elites) is also not instancedrecently abandoned Council structures, meaning once somebody loots a corpse the loot is goneor natural caverns. This can cause a little grief sometimes but keep in mind the loot is plentiful and enemies respawn ''very quickly''! Consider '''not burying''' corpses in dungeons. In theory leaving corpses behind Adventurers should make them respawn a little slowerusually prepare for hostiles, which although occasionally paradise and friends can help when soloingbe found. In a groupCaves overflowing with Undead, please remember that burying a corpse gets rid of the loot. If you don't want loot on a corpse, leave it so another player may loot it. ===Trains===Veteran MMO players will remember the infamous trains from classic MMO EverQuest. A "train" happens when a player flees danger in a dungeonWolf Dens, and the enemies chasing the player come in sight of other unsuspecting players who unusually smart insect dwellings are then attacked. This problem is fairly minimal at present in Project: Gorgon because the enemies don't pursue very far, but be aware that the mechanics allow for it. Don't be angry at other players! It is simply the mechanics of the game, and it could be argued it makes things a little more... interesting. As there is no experience penalty and also no loss of levels in the game (so far), a train will at worst cause your character to respawn in the entrance of common sights across the dungeoncontinent.
Only experienced adventurers should seek out [[Dungeons]], prepared for the [[Bosses]], traps, and deadly puzzles within. Loot and lost abilities can be discovered in dungeons, some dangerous enough that a party of adventurers should brave the mysteries together.
== Dungeon Mechanics ==
=== No Instancing ===
[[Dungeons]] in Project: Gorgon are not instanced, and players who enter a dungeon are placed on the same map as all others. In this shared world, loot is usually given to the adventurer who first damages a creature, although '''Elite''' Monsters, [[Bosses]], and World Bosses are an exception. If a player opens the loot window for a corpse and closes it without claiming anything, the loot becomes available to everyone else in the area.
{{Quote|source= [[Game updates/2017-03-25]]|
* When fighting elite and boss monsters, only the first group that attacks it will be able to loot it. (It will become "locked" to the first attacker's group, with a little lock icon visible to other groups to let them know.) Each member of the locked group will get their own share of treasure, just as before, but non-group members don't get any loot.
* Solo monsters now become "open-lootable" once the original looter closes the corpse. (Meaning that any other player can take leftover loot, autopsy, bury the corpse, etc.)
* Clicking on a boss's corpse can now dispel the boss curse even if you don't have loot permissions for the boss
* Previously when a monster was killed, only the player who had done the highest damage to the monster was recorded as having killed it for certain purposes (such as special behavior badges). Now, anyone who did damage to the creature is counted as a killer
==Dungeon Progression==
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