Leave a quote about the Skill in figuring out how someone or something died. Higher skill here. This can allows more details to be the in-game description, but that info must determined and more difficult organisms to be placed below as well. Adds a bit of flavor to the article as wellexamined.
Added a small note.
|title = Pathology
|image = [[File:Pathology_skill.png|300px]]
|caption = Skill in figuring out how someone or something died. Higher skill allows more details to be determined and more difficult organisms to be examined.
|skilltype = Other Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->
|maxlevel = 60 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
'''Pathology''' lets you see how a creature died. If you have an autopsy kit, examine corpses to see the player who killed it and the cause of death. Better autopsy kits can be created through [[Toolcrafting]].
If an adventurer focuses too much on a single sub-skill of [[Anatomy]], they will find themselves unable to level it further unless they focus on improving their [[Pathology]].
=== In-Game Description ===