→Equipment: Replaced table with DPL
<!-- Special equipment that is intended to be used by the skill goes here, including belts. --dpl> category = Items/AutopsyBasic include = {| {{STDT}ITEM infobox}:description! Autopsy Kit Type reset = categories! Description columns = 1|- mode = userformat format = ,\n* {{Item| Autopsy Kit || A simple autopsy kit for beginning pathologists.%PAGE%}}\n:,,|-| Forensic Inspection Kit || A fancy autopsy kit for advanced pathologists. (+3 to your effective skill when autopsying a corpse.)|-| Forensic Analysis Kit || A fancier autopsy kit for advanced pathologists. (+5 to your effective skill when autopsying a corpse.)|} allowcachedresults=true</dpl>
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}