Sie Antry

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She scouts the distance with a grim snarl.

Sie Antry is an innkeeper who is unhappy about the trade routes situation in Eltibule.


Inn past the bridge (yellow looking bridge on the minimap), east of Eltibule Keep.


Getting to Comfortable level lets you trade with her. She seems to buy armor, weapons & misc. loot from foes (claws, legs, etc).

  • Flat Footers (boots with Crushing Damage Reduction +2)
  • Swishystick (a Staff)
  • Hunting Bow
  • Beginner's / Basic Arrows
  • Beginner's / Basic / Advanced / Expert's / Masterwork Arrowheads
  • Flinty Rock
  • Beakers
  • Simple / Strong Nails

Small Talk

  • Loves Snail Shells Hint
  • Loves Bloodstones
  • Likes Footwear [Comfortable]
  • Hates Potions [Comfortable]


  • Kill Giant Mantises : Kill 10 Giant Mantises near her homestead Hint
  • Kill Giant Snails : Kill 10 Giant Snails
  • Collect Giant Snail Shells [Comfortable] : Obtain 2 Perfect Snail Shells.
  • Safe For Travel [Friends] : Kill 10 Monsters In Trade Corridor.


Sie will allow you to store your items "in the spare room" (10 slots) at Friends.