Holistic Wellness: 'Jocular
Lakrea told you to work the word 'jocular' into your next conversation.
Jocular: adjective: given to jesting, habitually jolly or playful. e.g. 'He was in a jocular mood yesterday.'
(Note: if you use the word out of context, the game won't know, but you'll know that you lost 10,000 Roleplay Points.)
To start this quest, talk to Lakrea in Rahu. The quest is available at [Despised] favor.
“You need to expand your useful vocabulary. Not your total vocabulary, your useful vocabulary. You know thousands of words that you never think to use in daily life. Am I right? Of course I'm right. Here's a word to use: 'jocular'.
[ Jocular: adjective: given to jesting, habitually jolly or playful. e.g. 'He was in a jocular mood yesterday.' ]
Just find a place to work that into your next conversation. But don't use it out of context! Use it right!
- Use 'Jocular' In a Conversation
- Talk to Lakrea
Rewards for Holistic Wellness: 'Jocular'