Landri the Cold
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
“What do you want? You're clearly not a fellow Ice Mage, so can you go bother someone else?
Landri the Cold is a grumpy elf mage who specializes in cold spells. She is working on a spell to freeze the world. Or maybe it is just a joke.
- Kur Mountains
- Northwestern outpost
Small Talk
- Likes Ice Cores Hint
- Likes Fire Staves
- Likes Anything with Fire Magic enchantments
- Hates Clothing
- Anomalous Fire Sheep : Kill 5 Fire Sheep In Kur Mountains. They are easily seen from a distance as they are literally on fire. Hint
- Ice Cores for Landri the Cold
: Obtain 10 Ice Cores. Hint
- Saltpeter for Landri the Cold [Comfortable] : Obtain 3 Saltpeter. Hint
- Fire Magic
- Defensive Chill 4 (Favor > Close Friends)
- Cold Protection
- Mycology
- Lycanspore Bomb
e Magic XP
- Alchemy
- Coldbite Potion (L 15) (reward from hanging out)
- Wolfsbane Blade (& recipes)
Hang Out
- Discuss Ice Magic basic concepts
- 20 favor with Landri the Cold
- 300 Fire Magic XP
- Help make alchemical concoctions
- 50 favor with Landri the Cold
- Recipe for Coldbite Potion