Skill Template

From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Revision as of 19:19, 9 April 2015 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Removed combat skill tag.)
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File:Skill main illustration.jpg
A main picture to liven up the article page

The ingame description goes in here. Adds a bit of flavour to the article as well.

Foobar Skill introductory paragraph (short) summarizing the main aspects of the skill or combat style. Is it a main damage skill or more of a support skill, or both?

Learn from

John Doe
Sells the book Psychology for dummies.


Advanced Abilities

Ability Learn From Req. Misc. Notes
Ability Name NPC Name Min.Favor Notes (eg. where it drops if it is a scroll, etc. Consider using a Hint)

Level Up Rewards

IMPORTANT Please note that Eric has planned to "embed external data elegantly into the wiki" particularly "skills, abilities, and advancement". Whether it will happen, or when it will happen... is unclear to say the least.

You are welcome to document abilities and recipes and such. Just please keep in mind, that such tables may be replaced in the future with advanced templating. All individual abilities/recipes are likely to go in separate pages, that will be pulled together by advanced use of DPL Extension. Because this requires some good planning, it is not advised to create any such individual pages atm. On the other hand it is very useful right now to plan the most useful way to present the information in the tables. These designs will become templates.

How it will work:

  • Every column is a "fact" that will be in a ability/recipe "infobox", present on the individual recipe/ability pages. These "facts" will be pulled much like a row in a database, and will be formatted into a table.
Ability Level Favor Damage Special Description
But I Love You 3 75 Best Friends 140 Trauma - Attempt to make the target feel so guilty that they don‘t use their full strength. (Chances of success are based on your Psychology skill and the enemy's mental proficiency.)