Metal Equipment
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Metal Equipment is listed below:
- "Povus Special" Boots
- "Povus Special" Coif
- "Povus Special" Gloves
- "Povus Special" Leggings
- "Povus Special" Overcoat
- Amazing Chainmail Boots
- Amazing Chainmail Coat
- Amazing Chainmail Coif
- Amazing Chainmail Gloves
- Amazing Chainmail Leggings
- Amazing Cow Shoes
- Amazing Deer Shoes
- Amazing Dwarven Plate Boots
- Amazing Dwarven Plate Coat
- Amazing Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
- Amazing Dwarven Plate Greaves
- Amazing Dwarven Plate Helm
- Amazing Familiar Controller
- Amazing Orcish Plate Boots
- Amazing Orcish Plate Coat
- Amazing Orcish Plate Gauntlets
- Amazing Orcish Plate Greaves
- Amazing Orcish Plate Helm
- Amazing Werewolf Barding
- Amazing Werewolf Champron
- Amazing Werewolf Foreguards
- Amazing Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Amazing Werewolf Hindguard
- Astounding Chainmail Boots
- Astounding Chainmail Coat
- Astounding Chainmail Coif
- Astounding Chainmail Gloves
- Astounding Chainmail Leggings
- Astounding Cow Shoes
- Astounding Deer Shoes
- Astounding Dwarven Plate Boots
- Astounding Dwarven Plate Coat
- Astounding Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
- Astounding Dwarven Plate Greaves
- Astounding Dwarven Plate Helm
- Astounding Familiar Controller
- Astounding Orcish Plate Boots
- Astounding Orcish Plate Coat
- Astounding Orcish Plate Gauntlets
- Astounding Orcish Plate Greaves
- Astounding Orcish Plate Helm
- Astounding Werewolf Barding
- Astounding Werewolf Champron
- Astounding Werewolf Foreguards
- Astounding Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Astounding Werewolf Hindguard
- Awesome Chainmail Boots
- Awesome Chainmail Coat
- Awesome Chainmail Coif
- Awesome Chainmail Gloves
- Awesome Chainmail Leggings
- Awesome Cow Shoes
- Awesome Deer Shoes
- Awesome Dwarven Plate Boots
- Awesome Dwarven Plate Coat
- Awesome Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
- Awesome Dwarven Plate Greaves
- Awesome Dwarven Plate Helm
- Awesome Familiar Controller
- Awesome Orcish Plate Boots
- Awesome Orcish Plate Coat
- Awesome Orcish Plate Gauntlets
- Awesome Orcish Plate Greaves
- Awesome Orcish Plate Helm
- Awesome Werewolf Barding
- Awesome Werewolf Champron
- Awesome Werewolf Foreguards
- Awesome Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Awesome Werewolf Hindguard
- Basic Boots
- Basic Breastplate
- Basic Helm
- Basic Pants
- Betra's Coif
- Blackhammer Coif
- Boots of Brilliance
- Boots of the Summer Court
- Boots of the Winter Court
- Cheap Goblin Boots
- Cheap Goblin Chain Shirt
- Cheap Goblin Gloves
- Cheap Goblin Helmet
- Ciervos's Anklets
- Claws of the Undone Beast
- Coat of the Summer Court
- Coat of the Winter Court
- Coif of Calamities
- Comfortable Ancient Gloves
- Comfortable Ancient Helm
- Comfortable Ancient Shirt
- Corroded Breastplate
- Cow Shoes
- Crude Chainmail Boots
- Crude Chainmail Coat
- Crude Chainmail Coif
- Crude Chainmail Gloves
- Crude Chainmail Leggings
- Crude Cow Shoes
- Crude Deer Shoes
- Crude Familiar Controller
- Crude Werewolf Barding
- Crude Werewolf Champron
- Crude Werewolf Foreguards
- Crude Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Crude Werewolf Hindguard
- Death Trooper Armor
- Death Trooper Boots
- Death Trooper Gauntlets
- Death Trooper Helm
- Death Trooper Leggings
- Decent Chainmail Boots
- Decent Chainmail Coat
- Decent Chainmail Coif
- Decent Chainmail Gloves
- Decent Chainmail Leggings
- Decent Cow Shoes
- Decent Deer Shoes
- Decent Familiar Controller
- Decent Werewolf Barding
- Decent Werewolf Champron
- Decent Werewolf Foreguards
- Decent Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Decent Werewolf Hindguard
- Deer Shoes
- Dwarven Soldier Boots
- Dwarven Soldier Breastplate
- Dwarven Soldier Gauntlets
- Dwarven Soldier Helm
- Dwarven Soldier Leggings
- ElegantBardRobesChest
- ElegantBardRobesFeet
- ElegantBardRobesHands
- ElegantBardRobesHead
- ElegantBardRobesLegs
- Elven Ceremonial Suit
- Elven Gauntlets
- Elven Officer's Helm
- Elven Plate Boots
- Elven Plate Leggings
- Everpatching Shirt
- Extra-Sturdy Shirt
- Flanged Helm
- Flat Footers
- Gauntlets of the Summer Court
- Gauntlets of the Winter Court
- Gazluk Officer Armor
- Gazluk Officer Boots
- Gazluk Officer Gauntlets
- Gazluk Officer Helm
- Gazluk Officer Leggings
- General Lawyr's Pants
- Goblin Battle Coat
- Goblin Breastplate
- Goblin Chain Shirt
- Goblin Gloves
- Goblin Stompers
- Gondeem Helm
- Graz's Shackles
- Great Boots of the Winter Court
- Great Chainmail Boots
- Great Chainmail Coat
- Great Chainmail Coif
- Great Chainmail Gloves
- Great Chainmail Leggings
- Great Coat of the Winter Court
- Great Cow Shoes
- Great Deer Shoes
- Great Dwarven Plate Boots
- Great Dwarven Plate Coat
- Great Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
- Great Dwarven Plate Greaves
- Great Dwarven Plate Helm
- Great Familiar Controller
- Great Greaves of the Winter Court
- Great Helm of the Winter Court
- Great Orcish Plate Boots
- Great Orcish Plate Coat
- Great Orcish Plate Gauntlets
- Great Orcish Plate Greaves
- Great Orcish Plate Helm
- Great Werewolf Barding
- Great Werewolf Champron
- Great Werewolf Foreguards
- Great Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Great Werewolf Hindguard
- Greaves of the Summer Court
- Greaves of the Winter Court
- Hand-Picked Dwarven Plate Coat
- Hateboots
- Helm of the Summer Court
- Helm of the Winter Court
- Hooves of the Inamorata
- HumanClothBoots1
- Hunter's Breastplate
- Indestructible Fae Knight's Helm
- Intellect Augmentation Helmet
- James Eltibule's Boots
- James Eltibule's Breastplate
- James Eltibule's Gloves
- James Eltibule's Helm
- James Eltibule's Leggings
- Jumjab's Necrogloves
- Knight's Armor
- Knight's Helm
- Lawara's Mangled Platemail
- Legacy Gloves
- Long-Lost Leggings
- Makopa's Pants
- Mantis Hat
- McNasty Pants
- Misery Trooper Armor
- Misery Trooper Boots
- Misery Trooper Gauntlets
- Misery Trooper Helm
- Misery Trooper Leggings
- Nice Chainmail Boots
- Nice Chainmail Coat
- Nice Chainmail Coif
- Nice Chainmail Gloves
- Nice Chainmail Leggings
- Nice Cow Shoes
- Nice Deer Shoes
- Nice Familiar Controller
- Nice Werewolf Barding
- Nice Werewolf Champron
- Nice Werewolf Foreguards
- Nice Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Nice Werewolf Hindguard
- Niphian Boots
- Orcish Gladiator Gloves
- Peltast Boots
- Peltast Coat
- Peltast Gauntlets
- Peltast Kilt
- Pig Horned Helm
- Pig Shoes
- Pig Soldier Helm
- Quality Boots
- Quality Breastplate
- Quality Chainmail Boots
- Quality Chainmail Coat
- Quality Chainmail Coif
- Quality Chainmail Gloves
- Quality Chainmail Leggings
- Quality Cow Shoes
- Quality Deer Shoes
- Quality Dwarven Plate Boots
- Quality Dwarven Plate Coat
- Quality Dwarven Plate Gauntlets
- Quality Dwarven Plate Greaves
- Quality Dwarven Plate Helm
- Quality Gloves
- Quality Helm
- Quality Orcish Plate Boots
- Quality Orcish Plate Coat
- Quality Orcish Plate Gauntlets
- Quality Orcish Plate Greaves
- Quality Orcish Plate Helm
- Quality Pants
- Quality Shield
- Quality Werewolf Barding
- Quality Werewolf Champron
- Quality Werewolf Foreguards
- Quality Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Quality Werewolf Hindguard
- Ravana Soldier Boots
- Ravana Soldier Coat
- Ravana Soldier Gloves
- Ravana Soldier Helm
- Ravana Soldier Leggings
- Red Wing Crown (L40)
- Red Wing Crown (L50)
- Red Wing Crown (L60)
- Red Wing Crown (L70)
- Red Wing Crown (L80)
- Red Wing Crown (L90)
- Republic Gloves
- Rough Chainmail Boots
- Rough Chainmail Coat
- Rough Chainmail Coif
- Rough Chainmail Gloves
- Rough Chainmail Leggings
- Rough Cow Shoes
- Rough Deer Shoes
- Rough Familiar Controller
- Rough Werewolf Barding
- Rough Werewolf Champron
- Rough Werewolf Foreguards
- Rough Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Rough Werewolf Hindguard
- Ruggedized Boots
- Shadow Trotters
- Shoddy Chainmail Boots
- Shoddy Chainmail Coat
- Shoddy Chainmail Coif
- Shoddy Chainmail Gloves
- Shoddy Chainmail Leggings
- Shoddy Cow Shoes
- Shoddy Deer Shoes
- Shoddy Familiar Controller
- Shoddy Werewolf Barding
- Shoddy Werewolf Champron
- Shoddy Werewolf Foreguards
- Shoddy Werewolf Hind Leg Guards
- Shoddy Werewolf Hindguard
- Shoveler's Boots
- Slightly Rusty Gauntlets
- Slimy Shoes
- Snowblood Misery Trooper Armor
- Snowblood Misery Trooper Boots
- Snowblood Misery Trooper Gauntlets
- Snowblood Misery Trooper Helm
- Snowblood Misery Trooper Leggings
- Spiked Gloves
- Stalwart Boots
- Stalwart Breastplate
- Stalwart Gauntlets
- Stalwart Helmet
- Stalwart Leggings
- Sturdy Boots
- Sturdy Gloves
- Sturdy Helm
- Sturdy Pants
- Sturdy Shirt
- Thentree Boots
- Thentree Gloves
- Thentree Harness
- Thentree Helmet
- Thentree Skirt
- Thickened Chainmail Shirt
- Thorian Boots
- Thorian Coat
- Thorian Gauntlets
- Thorian Helm
- Thorian Kilt
- Treachery Trooper Armor
- Treachery Trooper Boots
- Treachery Trooper Gauntlets
- Treachery Trooper Helm
- Treachery Trooper Leggings
- Ugly Helm
- Umrad Boots
- Umrad Coat
- Umrad Gloves
- Umrad Helm
- Umrad Leggings
- Venom Piercers
- Winter Court Battle-Boots
- Winter Court Battle-Coat
- Winter Court Battle-Gauntlets
- Winter Court Battle-Greaves
- Winter Court Battle-Helm
- Winter Court Murder-Boots
- Winter Court Murder-Coat
- Winter Court Murder-Gauntlets
- Winter Court Murder-Greaves
- Winter Court Murder-Helm