Legacy Gloves

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Legacy Gloves
The legacy is one of rusting quietly in a cave for hundreds of years. A faded symbol of Arisetsu makes the gloves slightly warm to the touch.
icon_101.png Max Armor

icon_102.png Max Health

icon_105.png Armor from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Power from Combat Refresh Abilities
Value: 75

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



Monster [Expand] Location
Myconian Myconian Cave


Quest Rewards

Quest Number Acquired Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Rat Teeth for Gershok 1 One time only Gershok Neutral Central Serbule Hills

Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Blacksmithing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Reinforce Metal Gloves icon_5297.png Simple Metal Slab x1
icon_5298.png Basic Metal Slab x1
Metal Gloves x1
Adds +3 Armor.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
5 Dye Metal Armor (1 color) icon_5551.png Lac x1
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Metal Armor (2 colors) icon_5551.png Lac x2
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Metal Armor (3 colors) icon_5551.png Lac x3
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1

Also can be used in any recipes which call for:


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Gloria Stonecurl The Outpost in Northwestern Kur Loves (Holy Symbols)
Ferand Deftwhisper Old Town in Povus Likes (Metal Gloves and Loot)
Kalaba Eltibule Keep in Eltibule Likes (Items Worn on the Hands and Loot)
Tadion Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Pieces of Metal Armor and Loot)
The Wombat The Druid Camp in Sun Vale Hates (Pieces of Metal Armor)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Holistic Wellness: Hold Gear 40 (Have any Pieces of Equipment) 12 Hours Unknown Despised Rahu

Other Uses
