,Added conversation.
'''Yurra''' can be found near the exit of the [[Tutorial Cave]].
Why, Adventurer, you don't remember me at all? Those [[Katuri]] really did rip out all your memories, didn't they? I'm sorry for your loss. And mine! We used to be very close!
; ''' Who are you?'''
I was your mentor, training you from childhood. You long ago surpassed my skill, of course... but now, I suppose I will have to mentor you again.
; ''' What did you mentor me in?'''
Demon-hunting. Oh, the adventures we've had! But I suppose that's all gone forever. Fear not, fear not! You can have new adventures!
; ''' What's a Katuri?'''
They're demons. And you are -- well, you WERE -- a demon hunter. You chased them all the way to this miserable place, thousands of miles from your home, only to finally lose a battle. But they didn't just kill you. Oh no... that would have been too nice!
; '''Wait, I'm a demon hunter?'''
Only one of the very best. You worked for the Council, taking out problems that were too difficult for them to handle through regular channels. But I guess this time you bit off more than you could chew.
; '''Why did these Katuri spare me, then?/ Why am I still alive, then?'''
The Katuri corrupted you after you fell. I followed you across the ocean and watched your battle from a safe distance. When I saw you fall, I cried for days. But then I heard your faint mental echo, crying for my help! I raced to find you...
;''' And you found me?'''
I did. I snuck into the Katuri camp and saw them torturing you. I tried to rescue you, but when you spotted me, you ordered me to leave and save myself. That hurt, Prodigy. That hurt a lot. But I obeyed you. I've always been loyal to a fault.
;'''Why did they torture me?'''
Demons are creatures of malice. Don't you remember that much? They perverted and twisted your memories, making you into a being of pure hate. Then they set you loose upon the world to destroy everything you once held dear! I had to stop you.
;'''And you stopped me?'''
With help from my friends, yes. But your mind was too far gone. We had to use the ancient cleansing ritual. I'm sorry, Prodigy... the truth is, though the Katuri are to blame, I'm the one who erased your mind. I had to do it! Do you forgive me?
;''' I can't forgive you'''
Oh! My poor old heart breaks! You villain, Prodigy! But I understand. I... I forgive you. You can't understand yet. But you will. You'll go out into the world and you'll discover what you need to know.