,→Guild Ranks and Permissions
== View Guild Help ==
=== Guild Ranks and Permissions ===
Guild ranks can be a little complex! Don't worry though: the ranks are set up with reasonable defaults, so you can ignore all of this until you need to give certain people more or less privileges in the guild. Then come back and read this!
Each guild member is assigned to one of ten 'ranks'. Usually lower-numbered ranks have fewer privileges than higher ranks, but there's some flexibility to allow you to create whatever system you need. However, Rank 10 is Always the most important rank. The guild's creator is rank 10. Newer members are rank 3 by default, but you can change their starting rank.
Most guilds won't actually use all ten ranks! You'll just use a few and ignore the rest. The others are there to give you flexibility as your guild grows and evolves.
Each rank has a title (which you can change) and has permission to do certain things, like setting the Message of The Day or inviting new guild members.
We've set up a simple rank system by default. It works like this:
:- Rank 1 ('Probation') is a rank you can assign to people whoa re abusing their privileges. They have no special powers at all.
:- Rank 3 ('Member') is for regular members. They can invite new guild members.