no edit summary
* [[Spirit Fox]] are not afflicted with [[Beast Speech]], as their transformation results is something not-quite a physical form.
==== Survival Instincts ====
[[Survival Instincts]] is a utility skill which provides sidebar abilities.
* [[Toughen Up]] provides an alternative to [[Armor Patching]].
* [[Toxic Flesh]] causes incoming melee attacks to inflict the attacker with poison.
* [[Lend Grace]] improves evasion and regenerates power.
==== Beast Metabolism ====
[[Beast Metabolism]] is a skill used only by [[Lycanthropy|Lycanthropes]]. This skill levels as they consume the corpses of defeated enemies.
==== Warden ====
[[Warden]] is a combat skill exclusively available to [[Beast Forms]]. This skill deals Electricity, Fire, and Acid damage.
* To learn the Warden skill you must have {{Favor|Friends}} or higher favor with [[Suspicious Cow]] in Eltibule, [[Red]] in Kur, or [[Norbert]] in Animal Town in Sun Vale. Speak with one of those NPCs with whom you have sufficient favor, and complete a series of quests to become a Warden
=== Beast Form Equipment ===
==== Look Marna, No Hands! ====