This could not have happened at a worse time, for my first batch of new myconians has begun to gain sentience, using recovered heartshrooms. These innocents are alone down there without any guidance... except the guidance of Imarak's cruel teacher-mantises!
; I see, I had another question.
I will gladly give you the knowledge I can. You will need it to survive the traps and foes below! Beware entering the Gob-Lands areas; I counsel avoidance.; Tell me about the traps.: Originally, our home was protected by classic psi-fungal traps. But under Imarak's guidance these were enhanced with surface-world mechanisms. This seemed wise in the moment, but now that I have been betrayed by Imarak, it is unfortunate, for I cannot deactivate them.;: What sort of mechanisms are we talking about?: I have seen large crystals which fire blasts of spores. These crystals have limited amunition, but each shot is quite lethal.: The crystals can be deactivated by levers hidden elsewhere in the caves.;: Okay, what else besides spore-crystals?: Perhaps the most effective defense mechanisms are simply large stone blocks that cannot be tunneled through. These blocks sit on elaborate mechanical platforms which are, again, controlled by levers elsewhere. These levers are well-guarded.;: Giant stone bocks? Okay. What else?: They've been hiring subterranean... entrepreneurs... to work as guardians. Expect an assortment of deadly creatures.; Tell me about the Gob-Lands tunnels.: Beneath our caves are a network of stone-block rooms. I do not know their creator; Imarak suggested they are of dwarven origin, but Imarak is untrustworthy.: These rooms are connected to the Gob-Lands tunnel system, and serve as a sort of way-station for goblins moving through the area.: We treated these rooms as "neutral territory," to use a goblin term. We traded with some travelers and otherwise left them alone.;: And then what happened?; Tell me about the enemies I will face.