→Whey and Sweet Whey: Added some rough info on Tofu.
Whey and sweet whey can be stacked up to ten per slot.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}
=== Soybeans & Tofu===
Level 35 cheesemakers can start an arduous journey towards producing Tofu by learning the recipe for {{Item|Bottle Of Soy Milk}}. {{Item|Soybeans}}, the primary ingredient of {{Item|Bottle Of Soy Milk}}, can only be naturally harvested in the wilds of [[Povus]]. When properly processed, Tofu can be used in various [[Cooking]] recipes.
* {{Item|Soybeans}} can be gathered from '''Wild Soybean''' bushes.
* '''Wild Soybean''' bushes grow throughout the [[Fall Harvest]] season.
* Outside of the harvest season, bushes grow only during the New Moon.
* '''Wild Soybean''' bushes can also be harvested for a {{Item|Soybean Sprout}}, which can later be planted and harvested from a garden.
===== Tofu Press =====
Converting {{Item|Bottle Of Soy Milk}} into Tofu requires a Tofu Press.
* During the [[Fall Harvest]], two Tofu Press can be found near [[Ricatu]] in the [[City of Povus]].
* Three Tofu Press are hidden in the cellars of the [[Goblin Dungeon]] under [[Eltibule|Eltibule Keep]].
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Experience Table ==