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* Abilities found on the [[Unknown]] list might require a specific piece of equipment or multiple pieces of the same set to be worn before activation. [[Beast Forms]] attempting to use the [[Familiar's Recall]] sidebar ability need to have a [[:Category:Items/FamiliarRecallCollar|Familiar Recall Collar]] equipped.
Skills can have most or all of their abilities designated as sidebar abilities.* '''Armor Patching''' - All [[Armor Patching]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''Crossbow''' - All [[Crossbow]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''Fae (Race Skill)''' - All [[Fae (Race Skill)]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''First Aid''' - All [[First Aid]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''Interpretive Dance''' - Only dance variant abilities of [[[Interpretive Dance]] can be placed on the sidebar.* '''Mycology''' - All [[Mycology]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''Sigil Scripting''' - All [[Sigil Scripting]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.* '''Teleportation''' - All [[Teleportation]] abilities are placed on the sidebar.