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Jackencola Forum Posts

19,979 bytes added, 17:02, 10 October 2022
Added remaining posts.
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==== The 1000 VIP Challenge ====
: With our 1 year VIP subscriptions at a 15% discount during the Steam Summer Sale, we're offering a challenge to our community! If we can reach 1000 active VIP accounts before the end of July, we will schedule a special 48 hour session of super buffs for everyone! This includes XP buffs, training discounts, foraging bonuses and more! We always appreciate our community supporting the continued development of Project: Gorgon through our VIP program, and we also enjoy giving a little back from time to time. As of this posting, we are already at 880 active VIP accounts, so reaching 1000 is not a far stretch.
: For those who have not acquired a backer package yet, you can always start your VIP adventure there to get a little extra value for your investment. Already have a Steam VIP subscription? Not to worry! You can still enjoy the benefits of a backer package while having a VIP subscription. Your backer package VIP time will not start to count down until your Steam subscription has expired, or you terminate your Steam subscription.
: Gorgon Shop (for backer packages) -
: Steam VIP subscriptions -
:: 6/26/2022
==== Kickstarter Package ====
: Those older packages must all be manually looked up and handled as all of that information has been archived since we released the initial e-mails with game keys. These tickets are usually handled in a batch at the end of each update cycle. Unfortunately, this update cycle has been longer than normal because of the size of the update. If we respond to your ticket now, it moves the ticket to another location, which increases the chance it might get overlooked when it is time to process the batch. Fear not, your ticket is in the batch to be processed (I just checked and confirmed it), and we are approaching the update, so you should be getting an e-mail with all of that information soon. We do apologize for the extended delay.
:: 9/14/2021
==== Gameplay Guides ====
: You can also check out all of the guides that were published through Steam by players as well.
:: 7/8/2021
:: Source
==== VIP Token Sources ====
: VIP Tokens have been available in the game for quite some time now. They have been given out as prizes for a few contests, they can be won in the casino Match-3 games and they are also a standard prize during the MEGA Raffles which are held twice per year. The next one is due next month!
:: 5/22/2021
==== VIP Membership ====
: Can you please explain how that is a massive disadvantage? It takes a few more minutes to complete a batch of surveys...surely that's not it?
:: 5/22/2021
==== Questions about Alpha ====
: Correct, the alpha versions of PG (pre-Steam) were open and free to play. If the campaign didn't fund and you did not get a receipt for your package, then you would need to purchase the game through Steam.
: If you did get a receipt, then you need to contact [email protected] with that information so we can lookup and send you the Steam game key you are due.
==== Swith to Old Animations? ====
: No, the animations have been replaced.
:: 3/26/2020
==== Game Still Running after Close ====
: If you opened any browsers using the /forum, /wiki or /shop commands and still have them open, that is likely the issue. Close those browsers and you should be good.
:: 3/14/2021
==== Sending Support Tickets ====
: You can just send an e-mail to [email protected]. That will automatically create a support ticket in the system.
:: 10/15/2020
==== Angry Admin Hat ====
: *sigh*
: There are so many things wrong with this thread, so you'll have to excuse me as I put on my "Angry Admin" hat.
: 1. Since you chose to drag it into the spotlight:
:: "I was banned from global chat today after logging in and then saying "greetings inferior non spiders" I don't know for certain if these were the specific words that had gotten me banned, but it was the only thing I could find that could be construed as negative in the only three sentences I said today." - Player
: Give me a break. First off, you were given a 15 minute public channel gag. Hardly a ban. If you were banned, you wouldn't have remained in the game. Secondly, the "Oh , but I'm innocent. I don't know what I did..." crap doesn't fly with me either. A similar incident occurred not even 48 hours prior and you were warned at that time to not do it anymore. When a moderator or admin tells you to stop, that means stop. Full stop. The warning doesn't magically disappear at the change of day. You knew exactly what you were doing. You just chose to ignore the warning. That's on you.
: 2. On a side note (since it was mentioned in the thread): While we do try to make it a practice to issue warnings about lighter offenses before taking action, we are in no way obligated or required to do so in any case.
: 3. The real sticking point -
:: Originally Posted by Elder Game, LLC Code of Conduct
:: The following categories of conduct are not allowed on the community forums, website, in-game or other ELDER GAME provided PRODUCTS:
:: •Discussing a Suspension and/or Ban publicly;
: This was handled all wrong. If you felt you were wronged by a moderator, or an admin for that matter, you either submit a formal complaint via the in-game abuse tickets or by submitting an e-mail to [email protected]. At that point evidence from the server logs will be gathered and the issue will be reviewed by the admins as a whole (this includes the devs). You ended up taking the little bit of good faith you had and tossed it out the window while getting yourself even deeper in trouble by violating the rules yet again.
: We really dislike having to call people out publicly like this. It seems to be a common tactic by some thinking that if they do this they will get to dictate the story because the mods and admins will stay hushed. In most cases we won't bother, but from time to time we like to remind people that we are not afraid to do so when it is warranted. This stuck out as one of those times.
: The matter is now closed and will not be discussed further.
: *Takes off hat*
:: date
:: Source
==== Broken Twitch ====
: Update:
: The Twitch issue has been resolved! PG and Elder Game, LLC are now verified through Twitch allowing us to monitor streamer analytics. Go get 'em streamers!
:: 10/5/2020
==== Windstep Shoes ====
: Sorry, but this is not completely accurate. There is absolutely 0 chance of getting windstep shoes or rugged amulets from the Level 60, 70 or 80 event loot chests. In the level 80 chest, there is currently a chance to get some level 70 items as well, but that will likely disappear now that the level 80 gear tiers are more filled out.
:: 7/29/2020
==== Crafting Caravan Upgrades ====
: One thing I left out of the event notes:
: When you barter for the Amulet or Shoes, you are guaranteed an Epic (purple) rarity item with a very very small chance for a Legendary (yellow) item.
:: 9/24/2020
==== Item Prices on Golem? ====
: That will likely not happen. Then it would become nothing more than an auction house.
:: 8/27/2020
==== Special Gear Drops ====
: Hey folks!
I'm working on a little project and would like your input on something. I know a lot of players at one time or another have stumbled across a really cool piece of loot drop gear that just seemed to have the perfect innates for you, but it was back at level 20 or 30 and you really wished that gear would come in a higher level version. IF it were possible, what really cool low/mid-level item(s) would you want to see in a higher level version? This can come from all categories - armor, weapons, jewelry...anything that can hold gear mods.
: I'm sure a lot of answers here will be similar to what folks would want to do if they ever won a MEGA Raffle token, but I don't want to know what you think would only be the best item, I want to know ALL the good ones!
: aaaaaand go!
:: 8/21/2020
==== Druid Event Times ====
: When Dreva wakes up, there are normally a solid stream of emergencies for about 4-7 days. After that, Dreva goes back to nap mode for a few weeks. We're getting close to another set of emergencies, so hang in there!
:: 7/26/2020
==== Race Change? ====
: Just to update - The official stance on allowing race changes is still a firm no. We have no plans or intent to alter that.
:: 7/6/2020
==== Loading Screen on Quit ====
: The pause is to ensure all settings that were changed during that session are properly saved. That includes anything changed in the settings window and also any UI elements that were moved/resized/altered in any way.
:: 7/6/2020
==== Redeemed Legendary Gear ====
: Well, I do hate to crush those dreams, but thanks to new internal game tech, the redeemed legendary gear items will be bound to the winner. That applies to all tokens redeemed moving forward. Even tokens that have not been redeemed yet from previous raffles.
:: 6/22/2020
==== Next Sale? ====
: The game is regularly on sale in-line with the Steam major sales. This has been the case since we launched on Steam as Early Access (Beta) back in 2018. We have no intention of lowering the base price of the game. In fact, the $40 base price you see is the Early Access price. It is very possible that the base price of the game may go up once we reach official release.
:: 4/21/2020
==== Event Feedback ====
: When running events, we sometimes take action to minimize the amount of looting that players can do if they aren't generally participating in the event. This encourages participation, and reduces resentment from other players. You just happened to get caught in one of those methods. When we do live events such as these, we are pretty free-form with the rules and do what we can to maintain a fun and fair event experience.
: I am sorry that you felt ignored. As it always is at the end of these events, I am completely swamped in tells regarding feedback, bugs, glitches, thank yous and suggestions. It takes time to sort through all of that and get everyone taken care of, especially when it involves fixing a glitch that occured during the event. By the time I could reply to you, you'd logged off. In the future if you're unable to stay online until I can respond to you, remember that you can use an in-game or e-mail support ticket to request information.
:: 3/15/2020
==== Stuck Character ====
: The correct command from an alt character is: /unstickchar <charname>
: If that does not break your character loose, let us know and we can apply a more invasive fix, but will it remove all effects (food, buffs, debuffs) from your character.
:: 3/12/2020
==== Time Played ====
: Between all my personal and admin toons - 5,294 hours (220.5 days)
:: 3/5/2020
==== New Backer Packages ====
: The current package campaign does not change or alter anything about the previous campaigns. You may have one backer package per account per campaign. In short, this means you can add one of the new packages to the same account as your duke package.
: To clarify that even further for the benefit of others, for example, you cannot redeem a Thoroughbred Breeder and Horse Lord package on the same account.
:: 2/28/2020
==== Wanting Crafted Pants ====
: Camouflaged xxxxxxx pants?
:: 2/24/2020
==== Player Names ====
: Well, that certainly isn't an allowed name. Did you submit an in-game abuse ticket about it? That's how those things are handled. You can submit about any type of ticket from in game by clicking the ! icon on the right bar.
:: 2/24/2020
==== Terms of Service ====
: Now with that being said, since we do not have a proper mail system implemented yet, we grant the courtesy of allowing players to log in two accounts for the purposes of item transfer ONLY. Anyone that abuses this courtesy beyond its intent can be subject to a permanent ban of all accounts. Once a proper mail system is implemented, this courtesy will be revoked and the standing rule will be fully enforced. If you suspect anyone of abusing this courtesy, we recommend that you submit an in-game abuse report immediately by using the ! icon on your right bar.
: What does this mean if you own more than one account or want to buy extra accounts? It means nothing. You can own as many accounts as you want, you are just restricted to one active account at a time.
: If you have multiple players in a household, you have nothing to worry about. It's usually pretty clear from our side when it's two people controlling two characters compared to one person trying to control two characters. We are also developing a special test that we can use to determine if a person is multi-boxing or not.
: I hope this clears up your misconception.
:: 2/10/2020
==== Gorgon Shop Old Packs. ====
: If the package came with a Steam key, then it's one of the pre-Steam packages. Those are not automated like the new packages. They have to be manually applied to the account by the devs. It will take a little time for that to happen.
:: 2/3/2020
==== Inventory Suggestions and More ====
: Inventory extensions - some form of this is already on the list.
: Portable council storage - IF I were able to pull this one off, the item would not be permanent. It would be more like the current storage crates. One time use. They would also be very expensive to barter for as well.
: Gear upgrades - specialized augs I have thought about. Implementing those might be a pain because there would have to be so many of them to cover all the gear slots.
: Unbreakable tools - sorry, but that one is a non-starter.
: Portable work stations - maybe a hookable form for housing and/or guild halls when all that comes, but definitely not for field use. This also would be extremely expensive.
:: 1/19/2020
==== Caravan Bater Prices ====
: I thought that was addressed fairly clearly. Right now all I have to go on is the extreme case scenario. Someone doing all of the tasks for the length of the event. With what is currently available, that would produce approximately 1,950 favor with Orran and 170 tokens per character. There is no way for me to know how much or how little any given player is going to do. This is why some pretty bland pricing was used and is also why the special items were not added for this run. Once the event has ended and people are feeding me that information, I can better balance the pricing for future events, as I said I would.
:: 1/18/2020
==== Win Raffle When Offline? ====
: As long as you can show up long enough to hit the raffle boxes, you're golden!
:: 12/18/2019
==== Returning Player - Steam Account Linking ====
: Was the last time you played before we went to Steam? If so, purchase of the game through Steam is now required, unless you bought one of the backer packages through Kickstarter, Indiegogo or the alpha version of the Gorgon Shop.
: If you bought a backer package but cannot find your e-mail, then you need to contact [email protected] and give them as much information as you can so they can look up your package and resend the info.
: If you are just looking for your alpha account info so that you may link your alpha account to a Steam account that has purchased the game, you will also need to contact [email protected] using the e-mail address that is connected to the alpha account.
:: 11/3/2019
==== Druid Limits ====
: Let's see if we can cover this:
: "No skills with metal weapons in main hand while using druid skill"
: This is mostly true, because most wooden items that allow druid are main-hand items anyway (for humanoid forms). The only offhand exception I can think of at the moment would be a wooden bow.
: "No skills with non Druid shape shifting forms while using druid skill"
: Along with deer, cows and spiders can be druids too! This is accomplished by wearing wooden harnesses or shoes, depending on the beast form. However, there are some beast forms that are not compatible with druid, like pig, giant bat and lycan.
: "when druid event is going on you don't get XP until the event is over."
: Mostly true. When a druid emergency is in progress, you cannot earn combat or crafting xp. Not all skills fall into one of these categories. For example, you can earn gardening xp when an event is active.
: "some NPC's won't talk with you while in shape shifted form"​
: True. This applies to all beast forms (druid and non-druid) and non-humanoid illusions (bird forms).
: Hope this helps!
:: 10/15/2019
==== How Druid Event Kraken Work ====
: 1 - The spawning of a kraken egg from a live kraken is a RNG % chance. The eggs that come from the event spawners are hard-set along with all of the other kraken that are spawned with them. (Does the respawn rate of Kraken Eggs drop off over time or does it remain the same through the entire event?)

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