Added conversation.
|vendor = Yes
{{Quote|source=[[Cleo Conyer]]| Hey. You look like you've had an adventure recently. Find any amazing treasures? Anything you're selling for cheap, I mean?}}
[[Cleo Conyer]] is a traveling merchant who became stuck in Serbule Hills after an unfortunate encounter with the Ranalon invading the region.
== Conversations ==
{{Quote|source=[[Cleo Conyer]]|You ever hear of Thentree? No? It's a little town of throwback elves. It's past Sedgewick. A real isolated group. Great customers of my traveling curiosity shop, though!}}
{{Quote|source=[[Cleo Conyer]]|I'm still surprised I made it out of Sedgewick Forest alive! I used some painful alchemy potions to run super fast away from the goblins. It's been a week, and my legs still hurt!
;How'd you end up here?
I used to run a traveling curiosities shop. I'd stop by Thentree via Sedgewick Forest every so often. I have a system of bribes to get me past each goblin tribe. But that didn't help me this time.
; Your bribes didn't work?
The goblins took their bribes like always. But the ranalon betrayed me! I paid their toll like usual, but a group of them attacked me anyway.
; That's a tragic tale.
I spent years building up a rapport with the goblins. I learned some of their language just to facilitate trade! But those ranalon have ruined everything.
Now I'm stuck in a bar in the middle of nowhere, with a mediocre bard and truly terrible beer! But I have a plan?
; What's your plan?
I have a little money left. The plan is that you're gonna sell me the best stuff you find, and I'll use it to rebuild my traveling curiosities shop!
; You're going to make a shop based on just the stuff I sell you?
Not just you! I got some neat stuff from the bard, and a bonafide magic shield from that guy over there. I've started collecting a bunch of interesting stuff! So come on, be a pal and help me with my plan. Sell me stuff!}}
== Tips ==