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History of the Council, vol. 5

No change in size, 15:23, 8 January 2016
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... and so [[The Council of Thirteen]] was no more. This "[[Dissenting Five]]," as they were called, were banished from [[Alharth]], and a Council Decree stated that their names were never to be spoken again.
Shortly thereafter, "The Council of Thirteen" renamed itself "[[The Council of Eight]]." They maintained eight members for 103 years, replacing members as needed, but starting with [[Torsager Torsagar the Regent]]'s retirement, they stopped anointing new members.
For a time they called themselves "[[The Council of Five]]," before finally settling on just "[[The Council]]." Its four surviving members have served for over 180 years, with no signs of stopping. All praise The Council! All praise its benevolence!
[[Category:Register of Lore]]

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