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==== Guild Garden Party ====
A weekly Sunday event organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]
== Unique events (or inactive) Events ==
==== Dance Around Alharth ====
Organized by the guild [[Guild:Illegitimus|Illegitimus]], '''Dance Around Alharth''' was a community event where guild members helped participating players unlock twelve [[Interpretive Dance]] abilities. This event took place on April 30, 2022.
==== The Moovement ====
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], '''The Moovement''' was a player event on October 11, 2020. Participants partied (mostly in [[Cow]] form) on [[Brianna Willer]]'s farm in [[Serbule Hills]].
==== Player Memorial Memorials ====;EbonneOn March 27th, 2022 at 6pm EST, players held a memorial for the player behind the character ''Ebonne.'' The memorial was held in Eltibule, where players could leave candles at a memorial statue. ;Podg|BattleCattle
On September 13, 2020, players held a memorial for the player behind the character ''Podg|BattleCattle.'' The event was held on the hills near the ocean in Northeast Serbule.
==== Teleportation Chain v2 ====