→War Cache D-2
{{Spoiler| Click Expand to view the map for War Cache D-2|
[[File:War Cache D-2.jpg|400px]]
:Disclaimer: Other people in the cache with you can mess up the sequence
:• The combined Tooth/Eye gate at entry will be the last one you do – some of the gates are already open on entry
:• Vase gate 1 should already be open – run S then NE for that rune – recall beginnings
:• Run WNW, get the 2 runes and deal with Remeka if desired
:• Use the vase lever to open vase gate 2 (and closing vase gate 1) – get the rune in SW room – recall beginnings
:• Run W then SE through the (open) vase and eye gates
:• Run E through to get the next rune and use the eye lever – recall beginnings
:• Head W then S back through the vase gate and use the tooth lever to open the tooth/eye gate. Recall beginnings and the last room should be open