{{Quote|source=[[Roshun the Traitor]]|
I continue to improve my staff techniques. I often train with [[Hogan]] in [[Eltibule]]. He is strong. For a human.}}
==== After reaching Level 15 Fishing ====
{{Quote|source=[[Roshun the Traitor]]|
You are a valuable ally, and I will gladly buy your items at a fair value. Do not ask for better deals! I cannot be manipulated by kindness!
'''I heard you also know something about orc-style fishing?'''
It is called angling. It is a noble orcish art. But being a traitor, I could teach you for a fair price.
'''What's the general idea?'''
Instead of catching fish human-style, swimming about like a seal, we orcs stand on the bank and use a special staff called an angling pole to catch fish.
'''Is that more efficient?'''
Not only is it more efficient, it also allows you to catch many more types of fish. Fish far too smart to be caught by hand.
But there is a danger...
'''A danger?'''
Not for you or I! Only for those poor wretches with latent psychic powers. I knew a good orc who was cursed with the power to hear nature spirits. He had to avoid our best fishing hole because a spirit there constantly pestered him.
'''Pestered him?'''
Begged him for help - help with foolish errands unbefitting a noble angler. He said there were many such voices, and if you stay in the same place too long, they're sure to find you. But not a problem for me!