Updated to Template.
To start this quest, angle by Bonnie's Hot Spring (next to '''[[Arlan]]''') in '''[[Ilmari Desert]]'''.
I've done it! I've pierced the veil of your mind! You can hear me! That's great news! So long story short, I was a wizard's familiar back in the day. Now I'm just trying to raise a slug family in safety. The geyser slug is our hero -- keeps us safe from most predators. But we still have a problem. There's a huge and particularly cruel dorado swimming in here. Can you get him out? He only comes out at night. And hurry: he already ate one of my children! I have a lot more, but still
*Angle Particularly Vicious Dorado x1
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Angling: Baby Slugs Need Help!|
What a relief! Now I can get back to what's important: mating. Thank you!}}
* 7750 XP in [[Angling]].
* Recipe: Almond Crusted Walleye
[[Category:Quests]][[Category:Quests/Ilmari Desert Quests]][[Category:Quests/Angling Quests]]