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97 bytes added, 22:27, 10 November 2023
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|caption = The ability to endure heavy loads and uncomfortable situations without getting tired.
|skilltype = Other Skill
|maxlevel = 80 90 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req = N/A
|skilltrainers = [[Lamashu]], [[Backfat]], [[Kalaba]]
* [[Lamashu]] in the [[Kur Mountains]] can unlock levels 51-60, and 61-70, and teaches higher levels of Dig Deep.
* [[Backfat]] in the [[Fae Realm]] can unlock 71-80, and also teaches a higher level of Dig Deep.
* Levels 81-90 may be unlocked by gaining favor with a mysterious entity deep beneath [[Povus]].
== Connected Skills ==
==== Sub-Skills ====

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