Added this mob.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Goblin
| armor = 71
| health = 254
| rage = 292
| effective = Cold, Nature, Electricity, Darkness
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
'''Goblin Scribe'''s are [[Goblin]] healers assisting with the blockade in the [[South Serbule]] region. They are often found near [[Goblin Archery Student]]s.
; [[South Serbule]]
: Southern half of the map.
==Combat Abilities==
* Ranged Heal
* Crushing Damage
* Skin: None
* Meat: None
* Skull: Goblin Skull
==Reported Loot==
* Calling Cards
* Armor/Health/Power Potions
[[Category:South Serbule Creatures]][[Category:Goblin]]
{{MOB infobox
| type = Goblin
| armor = 71
| health = 254
| rage = 292
| effective = Cold, Nature, Electricity, Darkness
| ineffective = Poison, Trauma
'''Goblin Scribe'''s are [[Goblin]] healers assisting with the blockade in the [[South Serbule]] region. They are often found near [[Goblin Archery Student]]s.
; [[South Serbule]]
: Southern half of the map.
==Combat Abilities==
* Ranged Heal
* Crushing Damage
* Skin: None
* Meat: None
* Skull: Goblin Skull
==Reported Loot==
* Calling Cards
* Armor/Health/Power Potions
[[Category:South Serbule Creatures]][[Category:Goblin]]