:The Council Lands were created in Alharth after a group of thirteen wizards known as [[The Council of Thirteen]] conquered the region over a thousand years ago. After displacing most of the native populations into neighboring countries through various wars, the Council Lands experienced centuries of peace. At some point during this time, [[Dissenting Five|five members]] of [[The Council of Thirteen]] were banished from Alharth and the Council Lands. [[The Council of Thirteen]] renamed itself [[The Council of Eight]].
:Throughout One hundred and three years, [[The Council of Eight]] thrived and occasionally replaced members. After [[Torsagar the Regent]] retired, the Council chose to end recruitment of replacement members. [[The Council of Eight]] became [[The Council of Five]].
:In recent times, [[The Council of Five]] renamed themselves [[The Council]]. Four members of the Council remain, although conflicting material suggests at least one former Council member is still alive. While the surviving wizards live in seclusion in the city of [[Statehelm]], the Council Lands have thrived under the control of local leaders.
: [[Councilwoman Irasce]] is a known member of The Council.<ref> Note section of [[The Gods, XIV: Dale Renthian]]</ref>
: At one point in the past, The Council was located at a place called [[Ema]]. <ref> Painting of Ema </ref>
:The town of [[Serbule]] was established in the far east of the Council Lands. The town was created as a refugee town for Elves after the Elven city of Dwyndarre was destroyed. While most of the population is Elven, some Humans remain to act on wishes of the Council. Retired Praetor [[Nelson Ballard]] watches over the residents from the fortress at the western end of the town. He works alongside [[Sir Coth]], the town Sheriff. :[[Serbule]] itself is a typical Council town, mostly wooden buildings surrounded by a stone wall. The town is surrounded by a shallow moat which connects with a nearby lake. Six guard towers stand watch over the town, and a Council fortress takes up the Southern end of the town. Serbule has two gates, the main gate to the east, and a secondary gate to the north, by the town's stables.
:[[Serbule]] itself is a typical Council town, mostly wooden buildings surrounded by a stone wall. The northern half of the town of Serbule is populated surrounded by merchants a shallow moat which connects with a nearby lake. Six guard towers stand watch over the town, and craftsman, while a Council fortress takes up the southern Southern end is holds of the town's famous windmill. Housing construction is expected Serbule has two gates, the main gate to the east, and a secondary gate to start in this part of the north, by the town in the upcoming months's stables.
:The region around Serbule is lightly forested, with heavier forests to the north and south northern half of the region. A few lakes are situated in the area around the town itself. The western edge of the region turns mountainousSerbule is populated by merchants and craftsman, as does while the southern half. Council built cobblestone paths wind throughout end is holds the landscape of the regiontown's famous windmill. Leaving through Serbule's north gate, travelers can reach Eltibule, or charter a ship Housing construction is expected to start in this part of town in the island of Sun Valeupcoming months.
:Explorers traveling west of The region around Serbule can find themselves at the old [[Serbule Crypt]]is lightly forested, which is rumored with heavier forests to be hauntedthe north and south of the region. Another point A few lakes are situated in the area around the town itself. The western edge of interest in the west are two large stone hands jutting up from region turns mountainous, as does the rocky hillssouthern half. These are Council built cobblestone paths wind throughout the remains landscape of the region. Leaving through Serbule's north gate, travelers can reach Eltibule, or charter a large statue that once stood in ship to the area, now buriedisland of Sun Vale.
:- Explorers traveling west of Serbule can find themselves at the old [[Serbule Crypt]], which is rumored to be haunted. Another point of interest in the west are two large stone hands jutting up from the rocky hills. These are the remains of a large statue that once stood in the area, now buried. * The Chortling Beaver Inn is a popular meeting place in town<ref>Lore item on the wall of the inn.</ref>, the proprietor [[Fainor]] is an excellent chef.
{{Quote|source=[http://projectgorgon.com/blog/entry/rakshasa/ Developer Blog] <small>October 18, 2014</small>|
Rakshasa come from another planet, Ravana, which has a dark sun that beats down with ultraviolet rays but little visible light, leaving the world dark and barren, and pivoting between extremes: blisteringly hot in the day and freezing cold at night.
On their home world, Rakshasa are shapeshifters, able to take on dozens of forms at will. They use different forms for different situations and times of day. This ability, combined with their incredible willpower, allowed them to survive on Ravana when most other life died.
Their cities on Ravana are vast structures that tower out of the desert, usually encircling a rare natural source of water.
Rakshasa on their homeworld are more advanced than any race here on Alharth. They have mastered planar travel and many now live on other worlds. They are ruthless, merciless, and can adapt to any environment. However, they are not particularly greedy, and so they don't spread to worlds that they don't need. Thus in terms of planar politics, they are considered a mid-ranged demonic threat (see Demons).
The Rakshasa who live here on Alharth arrived via a portal. Half a million colonizers arrived, and intended to create a permanent gate between the two worlds, but they were attacked almost as soon as they arrived. Their intricate devices were destroyed and their great thinkers slain.
The remaining Rakshasa lived out their lives trying in vain to return home. They created the city of Rahu, named after a horrific monster from their home world, and they had children and lived life, if not thrived.
All native-born Rakshasa seem stuck in a single form -- that of a bipedal cat creature. They do not know why they cannot change shape, but since the climate is much less volatile on Alharth, the cat form tends to serve them well. Players who choose to play a Rakshasa are third-generation natives of Alharth. They cannot change form.}}
: When the Rakshasa arrived in Alharth, they did not wear shields. A popular style of shields were created to mimic the older Ravana armor. <ref> Ravana Soldier Shield item </ref>
:- The Rakshasa are "old friends" of the demons serving [[Berelius]]. These demons do not want to alert the Rakshasa of their presence in the Council Lands.
:- First Generation Rakshasa might not have had a conscience when they arrived in this realm. <ref> Talking with [[Yasinda]] </ref>
:- Rakshasa partake in "Kar-Get," a cultural system of revenge for the death of family members. It seems to involve killing off a loved-one of the initial killer. <ref> Talking with [[Yasinda]]</ref>
:- Rakshasa may undertake a spiritual journey, where they travel the world while perfecting their craft. They call this "Su-Falek." <ref>Small Talk with [[Lamashu]]</ref>
:- The Rakshasa land of [[Povus]] serves as a buffer between the Council's jurisdiction, and the [[Crone Hegemony]].
: Some Rakshasa perform a spiritual journey called a Su-Falek. Those who undergo the journey often wander to distant lands to improve their trade skills.<ref> Talking with [[Lamashu]] </ref>
: Some Rakshasa own slaves, and society accepts that. <ref> Talking with [[Urzab]]. </ref>
{{Quote|source=Tell Me About Your Mother-[[General Pask]]|
'Mother?' Hah. My biology does not work like that. True Rakshasa can manifest either sex. We are not so limited as you.
:Fae/Fairies are immortal beings from another realm of existence. Fae society is separated into four factions, the Spring Court, Summer Court, Winter Court, and Autumn Court. Every 20,000 years, a different Court takes control of the Fae Realm.
:When Fae are killed, they respawn in the Fae Realm.
:Fairies can be burned by cold iron. <ref>Mentioned by [[Tadion]] in Small Talk</ref>
:Books can be enchanted to write themselves in the Fae Realm <ref>Mentioned by [[Preta]]</ref>
:Carrying around Fairy Wings is considered Taboo by most Fae, although some members of the Spring Court treat this ideology as a joke. <ref> Talk from [[Corey The Croaker]]</ref>
:According to a [[Winter Court]] [[Spy Portal]], There are 4,195,103 Summer and Autumn Fae on the run, across a total of 207 monitored worlds.
:Fairy foods contain emotional tones. For example, Apple Juice tastes like resignation and patience. <ref> Completing quest with [[Hiral]]. </ref>
{{Quote|source=Hacking Fae Claw|icon=basicclaw|
Made of Cold Iron, this weapon is used in fae civil wars. Fairies who wield it are in constant pain from the metal... but not as much pain as their victims.
===Summer Court===
:The [[Summer Court]] ruled the Fae Realm during the last era. Currently, Summer and Autumn Fae are being hunted and tortured by the [[Winter Queen]].
===Autumn Court===
===Winter Court===
:The [[Winter Court]] has controlled the Fae Realm for two years now. Their control will last for another 19,998 years. Their leader, the [[Winter Queen]] has declared that all Summer and Autumn fae are to be captured and tortured for the rest of her rule.<ref> Talk from [[Fazzi]]</ref>
:The [[Winter Queen]] is keeping the [[Spring King]] captured in her castle.<ref> Small talk with [[Corey The Croaker]]</ref>
:It is said that the Winter Queen always does something insane when she begins her rule every 80,000 years. <ref> Small Talk with [[Fazzi]]</ref>
:The Winter Queen believes that thousands of years of torture will turn all Fae into Winter Fae.<ref> Talk with [[Hiral]]</ref>
===Spring Court===
:The [[Spring Court]] is often looked down upon by the [[Summer Court]] and most Fae belonging to it are thought to be insane or evil<ref> Small Talk from [[Fazzi]]</ref>.<ref> Intro talk with [[Corey The Croaker]]</ref>
:The [[Spring King]] is known to have a masochistic streak, and is currently captured by the [[Winter Queen]]. <ref> Small talk with [[Corey The Croaker]]</ref>
{{Quote|source=[[Corey The Croaker]]|icon=book|
There's no such thing as evil, dipshit, it's just name calling by the other courts. Spring Fae are all about sex and danger and doing whatever the hell we want! The Summer and Autumn Courts lump us with those fuckers in the Winter Court because we aren't insanely predictable like they are.
;Kot Bhenul is a well known Dwarven artist.
{{Quote|source=Reproduction of "Fortress Five"|icon=painting|
A signed and numbered copy of the famous painting by Go Hakomi, a dwarven master. He recently passed away, increasing this painting's value significantly.
A well-known painting by the dwarven artist Kot Bhenul. Signed and numbered! This is a great find.
{{Quote|source="Last Autumn Sunset"|icon=painting|
It's the little-known masterpiece by dwarven artist Kot Bhenul. Note the beautiful use of real gold in the paint.
: Dwarves leave Preservation Runes in tombs of the dead. These runes are not magical, and are just a traditional practice.
{{Quote|source= Elven Plate Leggings|icon=basicpants|
During the Elf-Dwarf wars, Dwarven mages created leather-evaporation magic, rendering elves usual armor obsolete. These ceremonial plate leggings were hurried into battle. Although they're impressively protective, they're still pretty uncomfortable.
{{Quote|source= Gammo's "Legions of Stone" (Poetry Book)|icon=book|
A musty tome of poetry from the dwarven master Gammo. It has both the original Dwarven rhyming couplets and a Human translation. Perfect for the poetry lover in your life.
{{Quote|source= "Collected Works of Gammo" (Poetry Book)|icon=book|
A heavy volume of poems by the dwarven master Gammo. It even includes the poem "My Penis is the Sunstone," which has been censored by the Dwarven Culture Group for over 500 years! This is a great find for poetry lovers, though dwarves may find it too embarrassing to own. Less prudish individuals tend to find Gammo's works uplifting and enervating.
: One thousand years ago, the Dwarven Stalwarts were powerful fighters that wore ornate but sturdy armor. <ref> Stalwart Helmet item </ref>
{{Quote| Source= Dev Blog June 7, 2017|
They're a race that has risen and fallen many times over the centuries, and currently they're at a low ebb.
Dwarves are technologically very advanced. They're mired in wars on many fronts, but instead of slowly losing those wars, they're slowly winning, thanks in part to their technological innovations. Dwarves are also master miners, of course, and the god of minerals, [[Umrad]], is now their primary god. The god of crafting also takes the form of a dwarf.
Stereotypical words that other races use to describe dwarves include patience, wisdom, directness, and compassion. Dwarves live over 200 years -- not as long as elves, but still a long time -- and they understand that real change takes time.
They're very socially conservative, and they're extremely blunt with their opinions, which can cause some problems with other races. But they are fiercely loyal to their friends and family, and their sense of honor and friendship usually overcomes other qualms. For instance, they call elves disgusting perverts and make fun of them constantly, yet the dwarves are the elves' staunchest allies on this continent, and have been for over a thousand years.
:Goblins are organized in clans set up like a business. Goblins sign contracts to work for a clan for a five year period.<ref> Talk from [[Malvol]]</ref>
:Many Goblin clans operate as slavers. Fae are often captured and sold.
:Grigtekark is the name of one of the goblin holy lands.<ref> Painting of Grigtekark</ref>
: Goblins have the ability to smell lies. They can tell when they are being lied to. <ref> Talk with [[Yogzi]]</ref>
: Goblins view Humans as one of the "Monstrous Races."<ref>Friends with Glajur.</ref>
{{Quote|source="Yap And The Big Catch"|icon=painting|
A lovely beach scene depicting a gaggle of goblins crowded around a massive talking fish wearing a little hat. You recognize the subject matter: it's the tale of The Bossy Fishlord. Painted by Agzak, a reasonably well-known goblin artist.
: The name of the Orcish homeland is Gu.
: Upon attainment of adulthood, each orc is gifted with a Xiphos crafted of cold iron. <ref> Xiphos item</ref>
: Arena Fights are a popular sport in Orc society. Orcish Gladiators wear thick chainmail gloves. <ref> Item: Orcish Gladiator Gloves. </ref>
: All orcs, both male and female, must pass the [[Challenge of Blades]] at age 15. Failures die, and are not mourned. <ref> Loading Screen </ref>
: Orcs have ships, some of which are used to trade goods and materials. Orc traders often provide Lac to foreign merchants. The Lac often comes from the Urak, which Orcs sometimes use as war-beasts. <ref> A quest given by [[Amutasa]] </ref>
{{Quote|source= "Battle of Fok" (Poetry Book)|icon=book|
Written by an anonymous orc, this terse poem tells the story of the battle of Fok, where over a million orcs died. The author manages to deliver a glimpse into the horrors of war. It's sad that the author was drawn and quartered for producing this work, and their works burned, but obviously some copies survived.
{{Quote | source = [[Hunting Quests]]: Hunting: Worgs | icon=book|
When humans domesticated the wolf, they made dogs. When orcs domesticated the wolf, they made Worgs. Orcs win this one. Feral Worgs are known to kill entire caravans.
{{Quote| source = [[Ring of Directness]]|
Made of pink wood, supposedly common in the orcish homeland of Gu.
: Some Orcish spellcasters are known as Mutterers, and use ornate knives to enhance their spells.
: The Ham Omelet is an Orcish dish. <ref> Hang out with [[Furlak]]</ref>
{{Quote|source = Sign in [[Gazluk Keep]]|
These are the first fully-functional ballistae made entirely by Gazluk Orcs. The plans were gloriously claimed from defeated dwarves, and the design flaws removed by our own master blacksmiths.
These weapons defended the walls of Gazluk City for over a year before they were replaced with even better versions.
Remember: Gazluk Orcs have the best weapons! Gazluk Orcs fear no one!
{{Quote | source = Sign in [[Gazluk Keep]]|
These dwarven war machines were taken during the [[Battle of Gribnik Hill]]. There were no enemy survivors.
Remember: Dwarven trickery is no match for Gazluk Orc ferocity! Fear no weak race!
: The [[Myconian]] race has lived in the Council Lands for many years in secret. Myconians are mainly cave dwellers and keep to themselves in their local enclaves. Myconians absorb energy from glowing blue mushrooms called amanita gloria. Their bodies turn this energy into Myconian Jelly, which they excrete from their bodies. The excess Myconian Jelly is stored in large cylindrical mushrooms alongside Sporelings, the future generations of Myconians. In recent times, the Myconians of [[Serbule]] have mastered the art of taming Garden-Tenders. Myconians measure time in Moon cycles and seasons.
: A being named [[General Lavorel]] traveled to the home of the pod of Myconians living in the [[Myconian Cave]] in [[Serbule]] 31 of their moon cycles ago, during his search for the being called [[Dalvos]]. This being taught the Myconians to use their hallucination spores to communicate with humans. Lavorel stayed with the Myconians and taught them about human society for five moon cycles before leaving.
: The [[Myconian Cave]] Myconians accepted his teachings and began to worship [[General Lavorel]] as if he were a god. Before leaving, Lavorel enhanced the abilities of two Myconians, [[Tremor]] and [[Tidal]]. The Myconian Cave is currently in a conflict between Tidal's forces and the Myconians who support the peaceful methods practiced by [[Mu]], [[Voo]], [[Way]], and [[Jaw]].
:The Myconians are trying to adapt to the human concepts of trade and ownership. Some are experiencing difficulty with the concepts.
Shifted most race-themed lore to the correct Anatomy pages in prep for a rewrite of this page.
{{Quote | source=[[Durstin Tallow]] |
Wasn't too long ago that Serbule was just a little inn and a port, nothin' else. The elves that live in [[Sedgewick Forest]] would travel to the docks every month to get supplies from [[Verta]]. The goblin blockade put an end to that, though. Now there's not many customers at all.
== Trolls ==
== Demons ==
== Himamanav & Himamanav Deities==
The [[Himamanav]], often refereed to as Yeti, are a species of [[Giant]] that live in cold climates. Their society is made up of warriors, but also [[Yeti High Priest|High Priests]] that defend and lead worship of the [[Himamanav Deities]].
The [[Himamanav Deities]] are long-lived sentient energy constructs. Their origin is unknown, but they are worshiped by the [[Himamanav]]. Some of the deities have displayed abilities such as summoning magical items, and teleportation of other beings.
The Manis species has only recently gained sentience. They have taken it upon themselves to learn the culture of the Council Lands. It seems that some Mantises have developed Psychic abilities, including the ability to wipe the minds of elves.