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'''This Blog Post was part of the Elder Game blog. It was posted by Citan on January 12, 2011.'''
'''Additional Blog entries can be found on the [[Developers]] page or in [[:Category:Game Blogs]] '''
We’ve all grouped with great healers. It’s not really very hard to be a great healer: just keep track of all the little health meters and make sure nobody dies. But have you ever been in a group where the healer is just amazing? Your group is doing content way out of your league, but somehow, amazingly, you survive. The healer knows just the right moment to use his 30-minute emergency heal, when to stop healing in order to recover his juice, when to chain-heal the DPS and let the tank drop to critical levels. And just once — the one time in a million when this is the right thing to do — he gets out his friggin’ axe and starts doing damage instead of healing. And it works. How does he know what to do? Expert’s Intuition.