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Winter Holiday 2023

11 bytes removed, 10:56, 4 January 2024
Shrine Tasks
===== Shrine Tasks =====
Each task given by [[Snowleaf]] requires a quantity of items sacred to [[Ri-Shin]] to be gathered and turned in. [[Snowleaf]] calculates the value of donations to the shrine using a cumulative point system.
* The first time 99 points is reached during any round, the Cosmetic Pet ability <!-- {{Ability icon|Summon a Mini-ReindeerFestive Maggot|1}}[[Cosmetic Pet|Summon a Mini-ReindeerFestive Maggot]] --> ??? will be awarded.
* If the shrine is fully activated and normal donations have ended, those who have not received the Cosmetic Pet can turn in Wood (Any type) to build points.
* Every 99 points earned after learning the Cosmetic Pet ability rewards a {{Item|Ri-Shin Token}}.

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