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1,199 bytes added, 19:22, 2 February 2024
Blog Posts & Long Forum Comments: Added an intro to the blog section.
== Blog Posts & Long Forum Comments ==
This section chronologically organizes backups of posts made by the developers across three separate blogs. The oldest blog posts (beginning in 2010) are from the Elder Game blog, a website run by Citan and Srand where they posted thoughts about the game industry. Eventually that blog become dedicated to Project Gorgon themed posts. In 2014, posts shifted to the second Project Gorgon forum. The most recent era of posts are from the current (third) forum's blog section.
; Navigation Notes and Useful Links.
* Clicking on any blog post will allow a user to read a copy of that post.
* Each blog post entry on the wiki has a link to the previous and next posts chronologically plus a link to return to this page.
* The oldest blog entry is: [[Elder Game: Indie Games, Prototyping, and Fun Finding]] - Posted by Citan on June 14, 2010.
* The first mention of Project Gorgon is: [[Elder Game: Punditry is dumb. Switching to developer mode!]] - Posted by Citan on June 18, 2011.
* The first blog entry on the second forum is: [[Recent Site Changes]] - Posted by Citan on Thursday, October 14, 2014.
* The first blog entry on the third forum is: [[Citan's Bug Reporting]] - Posted by Citan in 2016.
===== 2023 =====
: [[Game News, 2023-11]] - Posted by Citan on Friday, November 10, 2023.

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