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Volunteer Guides

1 byte added, 19:36, 2 February 2024
Volunteer Guides by Starting Year
'''2019''': Two players became Volunteer Guides. - '''Nebelwolf''', '''Seya'''
'''2018''': Eight Eleven players became Volunteer Guides. - ''' Andrij ''', ''' CoinSpender ''', ''' Daimes ''', ''' Greyfyn ''', ''' Manwar ''', ''' Nightz ''', ''' Niph ''', ''' Rowina ''', ''' Rummencola ''', ''' Sims ''', ''' Zeiss '''.
* In August of 2018 '''Rummencola''' became an Elder Game employee with an admin alter-ego named '''Jackencola'''.
* In October of 2018 '''Sims''' became an Elder Game employee with an admin alter-ego named '''Lemons'''.

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