no edit summary
=== Ryan Fritz- Silvonis ===
: '''Silvonis''' is a member of the Project Gorgon Development team with the title of Producer. They previously ran the second website forum and handled in-game moderation tasks before the introduction of the Volunteer Guide system.
=== Conor Brace - Wyrmrider ===
'''Conor Brace''' is a composer, sound designer, and game designer from Austin, Texas. His music is featured as background tracks in most dungeons and zones.
; http://conorbrace.com/
; https://soundcloud.com/conorbracemusic
=== Admin Jackencola ===
'''Jackencola,''' (as Rummencola) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In August of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as "Admin Jackencola.'''
Aside from that, it's whatever random task is assigned to me.}}
=== Admin Lemons ===
'''Lemons,''' (as Sims) was invited to be a Volunteer Guide in 2018. In October of 2018, they became an Elder Game employee as '''Admin Lemons.'''
{{Quote|source={{Item icon|Lemon|32}} Lemons (2022)|
I manage the bug database, and more recently I've been helping with QA testing. I help with customer service when needed (moderating steam forums/official pages, very rarely replying to e-mails). I sometimes help create and set up live events (things involving scapegoats, mainly). Hmm.. Other than that, I do pretty much anything srand/Citan need done at the time.}}
=== Aaron Victoria - Aviticus Gladius===
'''Aaron''' is a friend and sometimes development partner of '''Eric Heimburg.''' Around 2013 he began working on his own MMO using the Gorgon Engine, Legends of Etherell: Antavia. The game was still being worked on as of 2019. His company has provided art assets to Project Gorgon in exchange for programming support for Legends of Etherell and other projects such as Valiance Online.
* Interview discussing partnership with Project Gorgon:''' https://vimeo.com/104481081'''
* Facebook page for Etherell: ''' https://www.facebook.com/LegendsofEtherell/'''
{{:Volunteer Guides}}
=== Pre-Alpha and Alpha EMs & Moderators ===
: '''Auriel''' was the game's Event Moderator between pre-alpha and 2015. She was known for running live activities, and was known for doing unexpected snazzy things such as teleporting players, resurrection, and being almost invincible.