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402 bytes added, 12:47, 24 February 2024
; [[Serbule]]
: She is located in the henge-like ruins to the southeast of the keep, near Tyxr the Guardian Elemental.
: '''Note:''' Bahdba will not talk to you if you were born a fairy. Period. She don't care if you've magically poofed into a deer. She don't care if you've poofed into a spider then threw on some heels and a human illusion - she won't speak to you and will never speak to you. Came here looking to get some of those sweet, sweet blacksmithing recipes? Bahdba don't care you filthy coward of a fairy.
== Training ==
'''Note:''' When learning Knife Fighting, you will get the '''Frozen Soul''' debuff for 10 minutes, earning 10% less combat xp.

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