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First Aid

34 bytes added, 05:34, 22 December 2024
Update equipment details.
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Equipment ===
Crafters producing equipment seeking [[First-Aid]] improving Treasure Effects should obtain the [[Sigil Scripting]] recipe '''First Aid Inscription,''' , which allows for the creation of {{Item[[First Aid Garnet]].  This attuned gemstone can be used in any recipe which calls for the use of [[:Category:Items/Crystal|Crystals]] to create equipment with [[First Aid Garnet}/Treasure Effects|First Aid Treasure Effects]].
This attuned gemstone can be used in any recipe which calls for the use of [[:Category:Items/Crystal|Crystals]] to create equipment with ??? Treasure Effects.
=== Disease Treatment ===

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