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44 bytes added, 12 February
Glowy Yellow Crystals: : add required level
<!-- Needs expanation -->
=== Glowy Yellow Crystals ===
{{Item|Glowy Yellow Crystal}} are hazardous rocks often found on the [[Gazluk]] Plateau. Known to the Dwarves as Vol's Kiss, these crystals can inflict health-sapping statuses upon the uninformed. Protection against the effects of the crystals can be learned from [[Aven]]. These require level 45 mining to collect. 
=== Motherlode Map ===
Motherlode maps are more difficult than normal surveys, but give much greater rewards. When you use them, no red dot will appear on your minimap, and won't be given the exact location. You'll only be told the distance to the motherlode. If you're 1000 meters away, the motherlode could be on any point in the 1000-radius circle around you. When you find the motherlode, you'll often be rewarded with 15-30 metal slabs, ores, 130 Mining experience, and other rewards.

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