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760 bytes added, 4 March
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#REDIRECT __NOTOC__{{MOB infobox| title = Crystal| type = Construct| health = 3105| armor = 4718| rage = 2162| effective = Crushing, Electricity| vineffective = Psychic, Trauma| immune = Poison}}[[GemsCrystal]]s are geological manifestations of the [[Vidaria]] Rubywall. == Locations =={{MOB Location|area = Vidaria|location = South of the Rubywall.| health = 3105| armor = 4718| rage = 2162| lootlevel = 95}}==Combat Abilities==AIP TODO (Ranged Electricity Damage, Rage-Ranged Electricity Damage and Self-Heal).== Miscellaneous =={|{{Header|[[Skinning]]}}|-|None|-{{Header|[[Butchering]]}}|-|None|-{{Header|[[Butchering|Skull Extraction]]}}|-|None|} == Reported Loot ====== General Loot ====<!--{||{{Loot|Ice Core}}|}-->

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