,Adding NPC
{{NPC infobox
|title = Korbok
|image = [[File:Korbok (npc).png|300px]]
|caption = Looking over some papers
|zone = Vidaria
|location = Outside the far-west gatehouse.
|anatomy = Goblin
|species = Goblin
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = All
|smalltalk = Yes
|skilltrainer = [[Retail Management]]
|vendor = Yes
|stables = Yes
De Cancel ain't usually in the merkit for workin' wit' us goblins, but dey made an exception for yerz truly.
[[Korbok]] is an opportunistic goblin merchant who was granted management over the [[Industry|Work Order]] board in [[Vidaria]].
== Location ==
; [[Vidaria]]
: [[Korbok]] can be found in the western half of Vidaria's farmlands, outside a gatehouse on the path to Statehelm.
== Shopkeeper ==
[[Korbok]] sells items useful to farmers.
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ==
=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
=== Favor Rewards ===
[[Korbok]] rewards his friends with ???
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}:|
:{{Item|Lembas Brick}} x2
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Korbok]] does not offer any favors at '''{{favor|Neutral}}''' favor.
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Korbok
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
[[Korbok]] trains....
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Shield]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 51-60
|skilllevel = 50
{{NPC training row
|ability=Stunning Bash 6
|skilllevel= 65
}} -->
== Services ==
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = ???
|RiShin Family = ???
== Conversations ==
{{NPC infobox
|title = Korbok
|image = [[File:Korbok (npc).png|300px]]
|caption = Looking over some papers
|zone = Vidaria
|location = Outside the far-west gatehouse.
|anatomy = Goblin
|species = Goblin
|beastspeak = Yes
|beastlist = All
|smalltalk = Yes
|skilltrainer = [[Retail Management]]
|vendor = Yes
|stables = Yes
De Cancel ain't usually in the merkit for workin' wit' us goblins, but dey made an exception for yerz truly.
[[Korbok]] is an opportunistic goblin merchant who was granted management over the [[Industry|Work Order]] board in [[Vidaria]].
== Location ==
; [[Vidaria]]
: [[Korbok]] can be found in the western half of Vidaria's farmlands, outside a gatehouse on the path to Statehelm.
== Shopkeeper ==
[[Korbok]] sells items useful to farmers.
{{Vendor items sold}}
== Favor ==
=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
=== Favor Rewards ===
[[Korbok]] rewards his friends with ???
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}:|
:{{Item|Lembas Brick}} x2
=== Hang Outs ===
[[Korbok]] does not offer any favors at '''{{favor|Neutral}}''' favor.
== Quests ==
category = Quests/Korbok
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
== Training ==
[[Korbok]] trains....
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Shield]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
|item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 51-60
|skilllevel = 50
{{NPC training row
|ability=Stunning Bash 6
|skilllevel= 65
}} -->
== Services ==
== Events ==
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = ???
|RiShin Family = ???
== Conversations ==