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1,062 bytes added, 06:49, 30 September 2014
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[[File:Gurki (npc).jpg|thumb|right|300px|A scowl dominates her face, overshadowing even her fancy clothes.]]
'''Gurki''' is a female Rakshasa who is appears to be hiding from Shadow Keepers in the northern outpost of [[Kur Mountains]], which she regards as a "worthless hell hole".

; [[Kur Mountains]]
: Northern outpost, building with forge and council storage machine.


==Small Talk==
<!-- remember to update the categories below! -->
* Likes ...

* '''Arrows for the Occasion''' : Obtain 250 Advanced Reservoir Arrows.
* '''Smelly Gurki''' : Obtain Floral Soap.


* Zone-wide sub-category: Serbule NPCs, Eltibule NPCs, etc.

* For Favors, suggest using "Likes" even if game says "Loves" so we can have useful groups and search,
otherwise there will be too many unusable indexes (eg. one NPC loves swords, another likes swords:
they won't show up in the same list, greatly reducing the usefulness of such categories).

[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Kur Mountains NPCs]]

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