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Bravius the Bewildered

259 bytes added, 11:42, 26 April 2022
Reported Loot
{{MOB infobox
| title = Bravius the Bewildered
| image = [[Image:Bravius the Bewildered.jpg|300px|]]
| type = Giant
| health = 30256
| armor = 2345
| health = 30256
| rage = 2592
| effective = Fire
| ineffective = PhysicPsychic, Nature, Electricity
 '''[[Bravius the Bewildered''' ]] is a named [[Minotaur]]. He can be found in the northern region of Ilmari treasure maps will occasionally dig him up, similar to [[IlmariOlugax The Ever-Pudding]].== Locations ==
{{MOB Location
| location1 area= Ilmari| desc1 location = Anywhere| time = Was found near Uncovered through [[MakaraTreasure Cartography]], but did wander a bit. Original spawn area currently unknown. | health = 30256| armor = 2345| rage = 2592
==Combat Abilities==
'''Elite; Strong Regeneration; Immune to Mesmerize, Fear, and Confusion'''* Crushing Damage* Crushing Ranged Damage* [[Image{{:AIP:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Extreme Crushing Damage and KnockdownMinotaur}}
==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': ?* |None|-|'''Meat''': ?* |None|-|'''Skull''': |???|}==Reported Loot==* Cow {{MOB First Kill|firstitem= Nose Ringof Destructive Tendencies|fktext = 3 miscellaneous items.|rktext= 1 miscellaneous item.}}==== General Loot ====; Level 60 Equipment
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Ilmari BossesCreatures]]

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