,Added Claudia.
{{MOB infobox
| type = Crone-Kin
| armor = 2846
| health = 50041
| rage = 2607
| effective = Psychic, Nature, Electricity
| ineffective = Crushing, Slashing, Piercing, Fire, Cold
| immune = Darkness
| curse = Aged
'''Claudia''' is a [[Crone-Kin|Hag]] locked in the deepest part of the Ilmari [[Labyrinth]] by her sisters. She is an [[Ice Magic| Ice Mage]], and delivers crippling cold damage to her targets.
When attached, Claudia will summon [[Mien of Quietus]]. This Undead being brings death to all foolish enough to attack it close-up.
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Labyrinth
| desc1 = Found in the deepest part of the dungeon, inside the Foggy area.
Approaching Claudia results in the following thoughts being heard.
: They want to expand the maze AGAIN? Damnable minotaurs! Enough is enough
: Since my sisters wrote me off, surely they won't mind when I claim this country as my own.
: Relegated to this miserable hole... I will get my revenge on my sisters for this...
: I've been ready for the signal for over ten years. I know we've been forgotten.
: More intruders detected at the entrance foyer... the minotaurs will feed well.
: Since my sisters wrote me off, surely they won't mind when I claim this country as my own and make it thrive again. Time is my plaything. Patience, Claudia.
: Your body feels unnaturally older. Slightly wiser, but mostly just older.
: -10% Max Health, +3% Max Power
: This is a permanent curse; you must defeat Claudia to remove it.
==Combat Abilities==
''Boss, Slight Regeneration, Strong Armor Regeneration''
* Ranged Cold Damage
* Area Immobilize and Cold Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Huge Area Cold Damage and Slow and Curse
* Skin: None
* Meat: None
* Skull: None
==Reported Loot==
* 12 High-Level Items (Gear, Runestones, Panaceas, Greens) (only drops once every 3 hours per player)
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Labyrinth Bosses]]
{{MOB infobox
| type = Crone-Kin
| armor = 2846
| health = 50041
| rage = 2607
| effective = Psychic, Nature, Electricity
| ineffective = Crushing, Slashing, Piercing, Fire, Cold
| immune = Darkness
| curse = Aged
'''Claudia''' is a [[Crone-Kin|Hag]] locked in the deepest part of the Ilmari [[Labyrinth]] by her sisters. She is an [[Ice Magic| Ice Mage]], and delivers crippling cold damage to her targets.
When attached, Claudia will summon [[Mien of Quietus]]. This Undead being brings death to all foolish enough to attack it close-up.
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Labyrinth
| desc1 = Found in the deepest part of the dungeon, inside the Foggy area.
Approaching Claudia results in the following thoughts being heard.
: They want to expand the maze AGAIN? Damnable minotaurs! Enough is enough
: Since my sisters wrote me off, surely they won't mind when I claim this country as my own.
: Relegated to this miserable hole... I will get my revenge on my sisters for this...
: I've been ready for the signal for over ten years. I know we've been forgotten.
: More intruders detected at the entrance foyer... the minotaurs will feed well.
: Since my sisters wrote me off, surely they won't mind when I claim this country as my own and make it thrive again. Time is my plaything. Patience, Claudia.
: Your body feels unnaturally older. Slightly wiser, but mostly just older.
: -10% Max Health, +3% Max Power
: This is a permanent curse; you must defeat Claudia to remove it.
==Combat Abilities==
''Boss, Slight Regeneration, Strong Armor Regeneration''
* Ranged Cold Damage
* Area Immobilize and Cold Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Huge Area Cold Damage and Slow and Curse
* Skin: None
* Meat: None
* Skull: None
==Reported Loot==
* 12 High-Level Items (Gear, Runestones, Panaceas, Greens) (only drops once every 3 hours per player)
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Labyrinth Bosses]]