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1 byte added, 05:10, 22 June 2016
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...'''She stares past you, as if she is watching you and many other things all at once.'''
'''Bahdba''' is the trainer for the [[Knife Fighting]] skill. She also sells the [[Blacksmithing]] recipes for the throwing knives used by said skill. <br/> 
She is only temporarily visiting Serbule, and will return to the fey realms in a month or two. {{Hint|A month or two from June 19, 2016.}}
[[Knife Fighting]]
: ''Poisoner's Cut, Poisoner's Cut 2, Poisoner's Cut 3, Poisoner's Cut 4''
: ''Hamstring Throw, Hamstring Throw 2, Hamstring Throw 3,''
:: ''Hamstring Throw 4, Hamstring Throw 5, Hamstring Throw 6''
: ''Surprise Throw, Surprise Throw 2, Surprise Throw 3,''
:: ''Surprise Throw 4, Surprise Throw 5, Surprise Throw 6''
: ''Backstab, Backstab 2, Backstab 3, Backstab 4, Backstab 5, Backstab 6''
: ''Fan of Blades, Fan of Blades 2, Fan of Blades 3, Fan of Blades 4''
: ''Simple Throwing Knife, Basic Throwing Knife, Good Throwing Knife,''
: ''Expert's Throwing Knife, Master's Throwing Knife, Amazing Throwing Knife,''
: ''Astounding Throwing Knife, Awesome Throwing Knife''

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