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12 bytes added, 16:37, 20 August 2016
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| A favor for me? Help me finish my objective here: kill all these mindless werewolves!
| [[Pork Party]]
| [[Joeh]]
| Joeh wants an astonishing amount of pork.
| I'm having a party this weekend and I wanted to serve an insane amount of pork. Just... an INSANE amount! Could you help? I need a few more pork shoulders.
| [[Old Fangsworth]]
| [[Joeh]]
| Joeh asked you to kill a tiger called "Old Fangsworth", rumored to live somewhere north of Serbule.
| You're a good sort. I should let you in on something: I'm fond of leather parties. Everyone wears amazing custom leather clothes, and it's exquisite! I'm throwing one soon, and I need a bunch of leather. Shoddy leather will do; these are costumes that will only be worn once, after all.
| [[Get Cat Eyeballs for Joeh]]
| [[Joeh]]
| Joeh asked you to obtain some intact eyes from slain tigers.

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