,Updating to template.
{{QuoteSkill infobox|title = Alchemy |image =[[File:Alchemy_skill.png|300px]]|caption = The art of combining esoteric things together to make potions and poisons."|skilltype = Other Skills <!-- Combat Skills, Trade Skills, Beast Forms, Beast Skills, Other Skills -->|maxlevel = 60 <!-- List without bonus levels -->|req = <!-- Any other skills needed to gain this skill -->|skilltrainers = [[Azalak]], [[Charles Thompson]], <!-- List skill trainers, 3 max -->
{{Quote| source = [[Basics of Alchemy]] | icon = book |
"... and layman often confuse [[Mycology]] and [[Alchemy]] because they both use mushrooms. But here's the rule of thumb: if it's JUST mushrooms, it's Mycology. If it involves combining lots of things into a potion, it's Alchemy. As always there are exceptions, but the rule is at least 51% accurate...
This book focuses on Alchemy. Mycology is a lesser art, unbecoming of a true mage."}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview=='''Alchemy''' is first learned by players in the lighthouse on a crafting skill that is easy to learn, difficult to master. [[Anagoge IslandMycology]]is tangentially related, on but many Alchemists refuse to accept it as such. Alchemists often mix potions, lotions, ointments, and oils. Some Alchemists have been known to use their skills to create poisoned weapons, or specific potions to resist against the elements.=== In-Game Description ===The art of combining esoteric things together to make potions and poisons.=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===<!-- A list of methods to learn and level the skill -->Alchemy is a bookshelfskill often learned through study. A tome that teaches the skill, from a book named '''"Basics of Alchemy"''', can be studied at the lighthouse library of the island of [[Anagoge]]. This allows for the creation of '''Parasol Mushroom Flakes'''. Creating the flakes will also allow for the creation of '''Pick-me-up Juice''', which can be used to cheer up a certain individual in the area. [[Azalak]] teaches ... [[Charles Thompson]] ...
[[Therese]] ... == Related Skills == '''Sub-Skills:'''* None'''Secondary:'''* [[Mycology]] - A related skill which produces some mixtures used in Alchemy.* [[Battle Chemistry]] - Will require high levels of Alchemy at some point.== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Basic Abilities==As you level {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}, you may learn the following abilities: <!--{| class="sortable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all|- style="background: #ec81bf;"! align="left" style="width:200px;"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Ability'''</span> || align="left" style="width:80px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Req. Level'''</span> || align="left" style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Learn From'''</span> || align="left" style="width:800px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Description'''</span>|| align="left" style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Damage Type'''</span> || align="left"|'''Attack Type'''|-| [[File:Claw Ability.png|36px]] '''Claw''' (1-4) || 0/15/30/48 || Level Up ||Claw your enemy. (+ damage vs vulnerable targets) || Slashing || Basic Attack|}-->=== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Advanced Abilities===<!-- '''At this point, list abilities beyond the first level cap. These can be taught by Skill Trainers, Scrolls, or through other methods (such as the Lycanthropy Altar).''' -->Upon reaching higher levels, experts of the {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Skill may learn the following abilities:<!--{| class="sortable" style="width:100%; border:1px solid silver;margin:0 0 1em;" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" rules=all|- style="background: #ec81bf;"! align="left" style="width:200px;"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Ability'''</span> || align="left" style="width:80px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Req. Level'''</span> || align="left" style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Learn From'''</span> || align="left" style="width:800px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Description'''</span>|| align="left" style="width:120px"|<span style="cursor: pointer;">'''Damage Type'''</span> || align="left"|'''Attack Type''' |-| [[File:Pack Attack Ability.png|36px]] '''Pack Attack''' 4 || 55 || [[Altar of Norala]] ||Bite your enemy. Future Pack Attacks (by you or by other werewolves) will deal extra damage to this target. || Crushing || ???|}--> {{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Abilities}}==Recipe ScrollsLists ==
{| {{STDT}}
! Level !! Recipe Scroll !! Recipes !! Description
| 50 || {{icon|recipe}} Alchemy: Deadly Poison For Knives || '''Poison Blade 5''' || Teaches you how to make and apply poison to a small knife.
{| {{AATST}}
! Recipe !! Lvl !! style="width:120px;"|From !! Ingredients !! Description
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Recipes}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics =====AbilitiesEnvironmental Protection ==<!-- transcluding Alchemy can be a good skill to use to produce potions that can mitigate the effects of weather in regions like [[Ilmari]] or the Abilities page so it [[Kur Mountains]]. Both Cold & Fire Resistance potions can be easily replaced -->crafted using Alchemy.===Equipment===There is no specific equipment for Alchemists at this time.{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Stat Bonuses}}{{:Combat Alchemy{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}}== Trivia ==* Alchemy was one of the skills players learned in the old Tutorial Cave, before [[Anagoge]] was added to the game.
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Trade Skills]]