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1,068 bytes removed, 04:29, 21 February 2023
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|image = [[File:MyconianNPC.png|300px]]
|caption = A sentient mushroom.
|zone = [[Serbule|dungeon = Myconian Cave]]
|location = First room after entering.
|anatomy = Fungoid
|species = Myconian
|beastspeak = Yes
|skilltrainer beastlist =All
|vendor = yes
Hello again! Shop with me! I enjoy the sensation of taking your money!
'''[[Way''' ]] is a [[Myconian]] shopkeeper located in the [[Myconian Cave]]. Way enjoys collecting strange knick-knacks created by Humans, and has been attempting to create clothing for Myconians. So far, he has failed.
Note: [[Way]] requires you to be slightly more fluent in [[Myconic]] compared to the other friendly Myconians in the cave. You need 13 Myconic to speak to [[Way]].==Location==
; [[Myconian Cave]]
: In the first room after entering.== Shopkeeper =={{Vendor items sold}}{{Vendor_purchase_info}}== Favor ===== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]==={{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}}[[Category:Favor/Small Talk]]
==BuysQuests ==* Everything (max price per unit: 371)<dpl>category = Quests/Way{| {{STDT}}mode = unordered! Favor Level !! Money Poolcolumns = 1|- | Comfortable || 7500|-| Close Friends || 10000|-| Soul Mates || 17500|}include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements</dpl>==SellsEvents ==Way sells basic potions and a few more interesting items. At ''Neutral'' favor, he carries 6250 gold. {||-| valign="top" width="50%"| {{vendor table first}}{{vendor table row | item = Armor Potion | icon = armorpot | cost = 100 gold}}{{vendor table row | item = Power Potion | icon Winter Celebration = powerpot | cost = 100 gold}}{{vendor table row | item = Goblet | icon = none | cost = 75 gold}}{{vendor table rowHOLIDAY | item = Beak | icon = none | cost RiShin Friends = 50 gold}}{{vendor table row Item| item = Simple Metal Slab | icon = none | cost = 50 goldStrange Dirt}}{{vendor table row | item = Rawhide Liner | icon = none | cost RiShin Family = 250 goldGem x3
|} |} ==Small TalkConversations ==* Likes Vendor Trash {{Hint| Paintings 15g per 1 favor, Goblet +3, Plate +1.}}* Likes Storage Crates {{Hint|Shoddy Storage Crate +24, Decent Storage Crate +48.}}* Likes Textiles {{Hint|Try giving him cloth!}} ==Quests==<!-- If a quest is particularly complicated and involves puzzles and whatnot, consider creating a new page. Otherwise, creating new pages for each quest is overkill, and requires the reader to click through lots of link unnecessarily.  [Favor] requirement is indicated if it is higher than Neutral.  Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.-->* '''Way's Lost Yo-Yo''' : Obtain Way's Lucky Yo-Yo. {{Hint|Seems to be a random drop from the spiders near Greta. Rewards: 50 favor + 1000 coins}}* '''Fixing Way's Yo-Yo''' : Obtain String. {{Hint|This item is made by players with Textile Creation}}
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Myconian Cave NPCs]][[Category:Fungoid]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Talks to Animals]]

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