,Updated info.
{{Quote|I was an accomplished dress maker back home. But in this realm all the textiles are gross and horrible, so I'm having to learn all over again.}}
[[Elaina ]] is a fairy that's managed to sneak in to Animal Town under the guise of a fae-bee. Most of the residents can see through her illusion, but Spot still believes her, due to a glamour Elaina is using.
She only talks to players in [[Beast Forms]], but isn't bothered by the smell of their former humanoid shape, if they shape-changed recently.
: ''Unlock Tailoring Skill Levels 51-60'' -- at '''Close Friends'''
: ''Unlock Tailoring Skill Levels 61-70''
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Sun Vale NPCs]][[Category:Fey]][[Category:Skill Trainer]]