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7 bytes added, 04:55, 18 March 2017
Hang Out: Reorder to order offered; add favor requirement; link rewards.
==Hang Out==
*;Research words of power:35 favor with Marna:3 word of power scroll (level 2)*;Take inventory of shop wares:35 favor with Marna:2 Poison Resistance Potion*;Check Marna's spider traps:12 favor with Marna:8 {{Item|Spider Leg}} x8 *;Fill out first aid kits:20 favor with Marna:200 [[First Aid ]] XP ;Take inventory of shop wares {{Favor|Friends}}:35 favor:{{Item|Poison Resistance Potion}} x2 ;Research words of power:35 favor:{{Item|Word of Power Scroll (level 2)}} x3
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Serbule NPCs]][[Category:Serbule Keep NPCs]][[Category:Elven]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Storage]]

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