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The Second Woo

594 bytes added, 20:25, 9 April 2018
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__NOTOC__==RequirementsSummary=='''To start this quest, talk Azalak the mantis asked you to [[Azalak]] (requires [[Wooing get his fellow mantis Zeratak]])to come visit him.'''
Difficulty: ===Prerequisites===To start this quest, talk to '''Easy[[Azalak]]'''in '''[[Serbule]]'''. The quest is available at {{Favor|Friends}} favor.
You must have previously completed [[Dinner For Zeratak]] in order to undertake this quest. ===Preface=Guide=={{spoilerQuote|Azalak wants Can you to ask '''Zeratak''' to come visit him . She is located '''inside the house'''me? I wish to meet her in broad daylight so that I can run if things go poorly. }} ===Requirements===* Speak with Zeratak* Talk to her then Azalak  {{Spoiler|Response to player|{{Quote|Azalak wishes to complete the quest; congratulationssee me? Very well. I shall break a leg, as they say in your idiom. Tell him I am coming.}} }} ===Rewards==={{Spoiler|Rewards for The Second Woo|{{Quote|Oh good! This will be wonderful. Thank you friend!  [Scripted movement not yet implemented.]}} * 25 {{Favor|favor}}
[[Category:==Rewards==*Quests]][Help out[Category:Quests/Serbule Quests]]:[[Category:Quests/Azalak]]

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