Page Creation
{{MAP infobox
| name = Gazluk Keep Dungeon
| mapimage = [[Image:Gazluk Keep (annotated).png|300px|]]
| connects = [[Gazluk]]
| pclevel = 70
| portaldesc = portal description
The 'Gaz Keep' Dungeon is a level 70 dungeon located deep in the Gazluk zone, within the Orcish city.
== Points of Intrest ==
==NPCs ==
=== Friends ===
=== Bosses ===
=== Foes ===
== Gallery ==
{{MAP infobox
| name = Gazluk Keep Dungeon
| mapimage = [[Image:Gazluk Keep (annotated).png|300px|]]
| connects = [[Gazluk]]
| pclevel = 70
| portaldesc = portal description
The 'Gaz Keep' Dungeon is a level 70 dungeon located deep in the Gazluk zone, within the Orcish city.
== Points of Intrest ==
==NPCs ==
=== Friends ===
=== Bosses ===
=== Foes ===
== Gallery ==