Updated the template to look slightly better, give better instructions, and set some stuff up for a future appearance change.
<!-- Use [[Template:MOB_infobox]] for the infobox. Make sure to fill out at least the creature's title (name), and armor/health/rage values. -->
{{MOB infobox
| title = Creature Template
| type = Arthropod
| armor = 261
{{MOB Location
| location1 = Serbule
== Lore ==<!-- Often used if the creature is a boss, this section can be deleted on most creature pages. Only include or add if the creature is mentioned in a [[Lore]] item. See [[Khyrulek]] for an example. The Intuition Warning sub-header should only be used on creature pages for Bosses with in-game warnings. -->==== Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text ===={{Quote|''My bones have been shattered before, but I return, time and again.'' ''I accept no blame. It's all his fault!''}} ==Curse==<!-- If the creature does not have a curse, delete this section -->
Curse description exactly as seen from the curse icon popup in-game.<br>
Use multiple lines for multiple effects (as in-game).<br>
No fancy formatting here as it is included in the [[Curse]] article's boss list.
==Combat Abilities==''Extreme Armor Regeneration'' <!-- Any special traits that are listed for a mob, such as Self-replication . The double set of single quotes marks the trait in italics. -->
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Heavy Crushing Damage
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Personal Healing
== Miscellaneous ==
<!-- This section is used for listing other things about the mob. For now, it lists items that can be created when the creature is butchered, skinned, or has its skull extracted. -->
|{{Item|Crude Animal Skin}}
|{{Item|Raw Chicken}}
|'''Skull''':|{{Item|Animal Skull}}None
==Reported Loot== <!-- Don't go too crazy with this, we only need 6 or six per mob. 10 at the most. Try to balance the number of items in each row and column depending on the number of items listed. If a mob drops a particular item, or quest item, try to list that first! -->
If the monster is a boss (special elites, or obvious bossesany uniquely named monster), add the Bosses Category and the relevant zone Category. Example:
[[Category:Bosses]][[Category:Sun Vale Bosses]]
[[Category:Template guides]]