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Orcish Thaumaturge

273 bytes added, 15:09, 30 April 2017
Updated to template and added secondary location.
| ineffective = Fire, Cold, Poison
'''[[Orcish Thaumaturge''']]s are [[Orc]]s trained in magical combat. They are capable of both melee and long-range attacks. Thaumaturges are often targeted by Prodigies and Adventurers searching for their the[[Orcish Spell Pouches, although only a few seem to Pouch]]s they carry them.{{MOB Location| location1 = Kur Mountains| desc1 = Encountered around both Orc Camps.| armor1 =302| health1 =Locations426| rage1 =633| location2 =Gazluk; | desc2 = Patrolling [[Kur MountainsGazluk City]]and the surrounding area.: Encountered at both Orc Camps.| armor2 = 1062| health2 = 1571| rage2 = 1637}}==Combat Abilities==* Crushing damageDamage
* Ranged Heal
* Ranged Fire Attack
* [[Image:Rage-icon-20px.gif|Rage]] Buff Missile Evasion +90%
 ==Miscellaneous==* {||'''Skin''': |None* |-|'''Meat''': |None* |-|'''Skull''': |{{Item|Impressive Orc Skull}}|}==Reported Loot==* {||{{Item|Peppercorns}}|{{Item|Orcish Spell Pouch}}|{{Item|Hand Drum}}<!--|-|{{Item|XX}}|{{Item|XX}}[[Category:Kur Mountains Creatures]][[Category:Orc]]|{{Item|XX}}-->|}

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