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2,372 bytes added, 03:03, 12 May 2017
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; Taste-test new alchemical concotions
: Yetta said, "Good thing I had that antidote on hand! That could have been bad, huh. Well, win some and lose some, like Sirine always said. Here, drink this, you need to stay hydrated after all that vomiting."
; Commiserate about Sirine
: Yetta said, "It's just that... she was my soulmate! How will I ever find someone to take her place? I feel like dying every time I think about living another 500 years without her. Sometimes I envy Humans with their tiny little lifespans. But I've talked your ear off long enough. Thanks for being a good listener. I don't feel as suicidal anymore! So you should keep these."
; Help clean spider legs for use in potions
: Yetta said, "I have no idea why you wanted to help me do this, but thanks! Here, have something to get your energy back."
; Experiment with memory-erasing potions (60 minutes)
: Yetta said, "Hey! Hey! Come back to Yetta... come back... there you are!
: Well, that did <i>something</i> to your brain, but I don't think it hampered your memory. Just cognition! Oh well. Thanks for trying!"
; Experiment with memory-erasing potions (3 hours)
: Yetta said, "And so I told her that if the tiger goes with <i>her</i>, then bedroom toys should go with <i>me</i>, but she said no, that... hey, are you okay?
: Oh gods, I think it worked! You don't remember anything from the last hour, do you? Perfect!
: Wait... no, that's not right. It just wiped your short-term memory. Not your long-term! What a waste. Here, keep the formula."
; Experiment with memory-erasing potions (4 hours)
: Yetta said, "And <i>then</i> Sirine said ... and you won't believe this... she said it was <i>my</i> fault because I didn't let her know about my hobby before we were married! But I didn't even know myself! Crazy, right? And then... hey.
: Hey, it kicked in! Did it work? Oh, crap. Okay... okay, listen to me: <b>you're going to be okay</b>. But you probably won't remember much of what happens in the next few hours. Just take it easy, okay? Um, just walk it off. Yeah, walk it off! <i>Oh gods please be okay...</i>"
; Experiment with memory-erasing potions (8 hours)
: Yetta said, "I should at least get visitation rights! He was my tiger first, even if he refused to be near me after the chemical fire. I could have ... hey! Hey, you forgot everything again, didn't you?
; Sit quietly and ambush small game

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