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3,358 bytes added, 22:00, 19 May 2017
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; Milk the cows
: Gisli said, "Thanks. With an extra pair of hands it goes a lot faster! I can groom them while you milk them. Hey, here, take this as thanks."
; Help Gisli train a new animal
: Gisli said, "Well, that could have been better. Blanche's new pet chicken is just not a smart bird. We can make her friendly to strangers, but Blanche wanted her to do tricks, and I just don't think that's happening. I'll break the news to Blanche -- don't worry about it. Thanks for your help today."
; Experiment with toxic sludge recipes
: Zealo said, "Nothing. But we did get to play with slime. That's sort of a reward in itself."
; Help swap out mana sponges
: Zealo said, "Thanks! Here, keep a sponge for yourself."
===Sie Antry===
; Help weed the garden
: Sie Antry said, "Whew! Hard work always makes me feel better. How about you? Here, take this!"
; Scour the perimeter of the homestead for rogue molluscs (5 hours)
: Sie Antry said, "Damn those snails! But we ran 'em off. Thanks for your help!"
; Talk about how to improve the trade routes
: Sie Antry said, "You're right. If we just got the orcs to fuck off for a few months, we could really get things under control. But barring that, I guess it'd take a massive army... or an incredibly powerful magic spell..."
; Help clean the house
: Sie Antry said, "See? They make these piles of junk everywhere and they never clean up. Fairies are like no-good children, but you can't belt 'em. Frustratin' little fucks. Oh, don't give me that look, I like 'em fine. I'm just venting."
===Sir Coth===
; Spy on the elves in town to see what they're planning
: Sir Coth said, "Did you tip them off? No? Well how did they know to shut up about all their sneaking and backstabbing, then? I don't get it. Harumph. Well anyway, keep those potions I gave you. I'm sure an emergency will arise eventually. Just not today."
; Help polish Sir Coth's armor
: Sir Coth said, "Oh, it's beautiful now. Just lovely. Thank you."
; Patrol the town perimeter
: Sir Coth said, "Quiet as usual. Well, aside from those tigers that tried to ambush us. Stupid tigers. Thanks for staying up with me!"
; Argue about whether elves have souls
: Sir Coth said, "Look, I have to rest my case: no animal in nature has two penises. Except some lizards. And snakes. Those don't have souls, either! It's really that simple: two dicks, no soul. No, no, you've said your piece. We'll have to agree to disagree."
; Discuss the tax code
: Hulon said, "Right. Elves should pay 30% of all their earnings if they own a shop in town, but they <i>all</i> scam the Council. I bet I don't get more than 10%. No, it's fine. I guess at the end of the day, I don't really care. But thanks for letting me rant."
; Check business receipts
: Hulon said, "These are dramatically low. Joeh's cheating the council again! He even admits it, says he doesn't have to pay the whole thing because the city doesn't have full council services. Well, they <i>never will</i> if he never pay his taxes! Why don't elves understand how important this is?
: Well, you did well. Here's a fair wage."
; Double-check the month's records
: Hulon said, "You found two errors! That's impressive. You know, the Council never finds any errors when I send the books in. Are they even overseeing me at all? Sometimes I wonder."
; Taste-test new alchemical concotions

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